Chapter 44 : "I'm Finally Ready."

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"So Liam let you come and meet us?" Sam said as she looked at Faith from her laptop.

"I'm not his prisoner, Sam." Faith slightly chuckled. "I can go wherever I want." She said as she took a sip of her coffee. "And anyways Liam had something else to do."

"And what that something else might be?" Liz asked with a teasing tone.

The four girls were sitting in a coffee shop. It was their usual spot to hang out.

"Something at the studio. I don't know." Faith shrugged.

Liz face palmed herself. "Faith, we're talking about Liam Powell here." She said.

"Yeah, the king of one night stands." Irene added.

"The king of what?" Faith almost suppressed her laugh.

"Laugh my girl all you want. But Liam is pretty popular for his affairs and the one night stands he had with all those sexy and hot models." Liz said leaning back in her chair.

"You guys are just messing with me." Faith said.

"Nope, they are right." Sam said as she turned her laptop towards her. "Internet has proof." She said pointing at the articles and pictures that had appeared on the web page. Liam was holding hands with different popular actresses, singers and models.

Faith smiled. "It was before me." She said and leaned back in her seat with a satisfied look on her face.

"You trust the guy too much." Liz said.

"I know." Faith said with a smile on her face.

She really wasn't affected by seeing those pictures. Because she knew what he had with those girls was nothing compared to what they have. Their relationship wasn't physical only it was spiritual. They understood each other like no one ever could. She knew that no matter what happens he'll always come back to her because that was where he belonged. With her.

"So how was your dinner last night?" Irene asked changing the topic.

"It was fine. We ate and then we stayed the night over." Faith lied.

She didn't want to tell them about Louis because she knew that they'll make a big deal out of it. She also didn't want to talk about it. It was easier to not tell them.

"Okay, enough about me." Faith said with a teasing smile as she turned towards Sam. "Spill." She said.

"What?" Sam asked in surprise.

"Javier." Faith said and Sam realized what she was talking about.

"Javier? As in your ex-boss Javier?" Irene asked. 

Faith turned to look at Irene and then to Liz.

"She didn't tell you guys either?" Faith asked and they both shook their heads.

Faith looked at Sam who was resting her head on the table.

"Sam?" Faith dragged her name.

"Fine." Sam groaned as she looked up. "We're dating." She admitted as she returned to her laptop.

Faith shut her laptop screen looked at her.

"That's all?" Faith asked.

"We want more, honey." Liz said leaning at the table.

"Yeah." Irene added.

Sam sighed. "I don't even know what we are?" She said taking her glasses off and putting them on the table. "I mean we hang out and then we go back to his place. After that we don't talk not even text each other until on weekend he asks me out again." She explained.

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