Chapter 16 : "A Walk In The Music City."

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Thank you sooooo much for everyone who read all the previous chapters and are still reading :')

And I wanted to give a shout out to HayleBales 's book "Cutting Through The Haze." Believe me people this book is amazing. The writer has explained each and everything so beautifully that it makes the reader to crave for more chapters 😍. And it's not a typical love story of a Playboy and An Innocent Sweet Girl. It's different and very good 😘. I really loved the concept of the story :')

Here's another chapter. Enjoy 😄
And read the author's note in the end.. 💓💓

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"Day 20 of 182,

We're on our way to Nashville right now or maybe we're almost there.."

Faith was sitting on one of the beds in tour bus. She sighed as she looked at the board outside which says Nashville 10 Miles. She turned her attention again to her diary.

"We've been constantly on the road for days now. Except for the small stops we made on the way. I never thought going on a tour can be this much exhausting..."

She looked at Liam who was sleeping peacefully on the bed opposite to Faith's bed.

He looks peaceful. She thought as she smiled looking at him. She again returned to writing.

"Liam's still having nightmares. Well he didn't actually talked to me about it but I'm worried about him. He hasn't been able to sleep for 3 days. He took some pills to sleep..."

Faith looked at Liam who hit his head as he suddenly got up.

"Owww.." He groaned as he touched his forehead.

"You okay?" Faith said as she sat near his bed.

He slightly rubbed his forehead and looked at Faith. "Faith.." He said in a low voice. "What are you doing here?"

"I was just sitting here." She simply answered. He nodded as his palm was still touching his forehead.

"Hey sweetness." Harry said joyfully as he entered the room.

"What happened?" Harry's happy face turned into a worried one as he saw Liam was rubbing his head and Faith was sitting beside. "Did you punch him too?" He said pointing at Liam.

"What? No." Faith replied quickly. "He hit his head with bed." She pointed at the ceiling of the bed.

"Oh." He looked at the bed for some time and then remembered he had something to tell. "I wanted to ask if you guys wanna go to Onerepublic's concert. Ryan and I are booking tickets online."

"Onerepublic?" Faith said.

"Yeah they're performing in Nashville tomorrow." He sounded so excited that if he could fly he would've been in the air by now.

"You guys can go I've got some stuff to do." Liam said coldly as he stood up.

"What kind of stuff?" Faith said as she pinched her eyebrows together in curiosity.

"Doesn't concern you." He said carelessly.

"Okay..." Harry emphasized on the word. "What about you Faith?" He asked Faith who was looking at Liam with a confused look.

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