C8- Brainstorm

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English in bold. Thoughts in italics.

Rose POV

"Finally! Friday!" Julie exclaimed. She raised her arms up and proceeded to stretch while making loud noises to go along with it. I poked her in the stomach, causing her to break from her stretch. "You're evil!!! That was gonna be a nice stretch."

"Yeah, well, you deserve it. So happy about it being Friday, but I have to work late tonight," I scoffed at her.

"Is it really work when you enjoy it?"

"Are you paying me? Then, yes. It's work." Julie laughed.

"So..." Julie started. I looked at her.


"Are you finally past Yoongi?"

"What? What do you mean? It was only ever a celebrity crush. And why would you ask that anyway? That's really left field."

"Sure. A crush, right," Julie remarked sarcastically. "And I heard that you've been talking to another guy. Like, a lot."

"Ugh...Nina. She really likes to gossip about stuff like that, doesn't she?"

"SO IT'S TRUE?!" She was practically yelling.

"Take a chill pill. You're so loud. And yes, I was texting someone—"

"Namjoon, right? Aren't you glad we don't have a clause about dating and clients?" I rolled my eyes.

"We're not dating. We're just friends. He's really smart so it's nice to be able to hold INTELLIGENT CON-VER-SA-TIONS." The last part I said straight at Julie.

"That's how it always starts. I know you don't know about Korean dating traditions, but when a guy texts you like crazy for the first couple days, it means that he's interested."

"Maybe when people are already dating, but we're just friends. And he had some time to kill. Not all guys are like the ones you end up liking: number, drinks, bed."

"Hey, it's not always like that!" she defended herself. Then with a sly grin, "Sometimes we skip straight to the bed part."

"You're nasty."

"I'm naughty. And you—" she violently thrusted her finger at me "are too naïve. Guys only like that up to a certain age. Then they start to think something must be wrong with you."

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