C19- Some 'Splainin To Do

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Narrator POV

"Is Rose home?" Namjoon asked.

"Uhh... yeah... did you need her for something?" Nina was trying to think of a way to get them to leave.

"We need to talk to her." Namjoon had a strange look on his face.

"Um, about what? Last I checked, she was sleeping." Namjoon's face showed confliction. He was arguing with himself whether waking Rose up was worth confirming his suspicions. For all he knew, though, Nina could be lying to cover for her.

"It's important." Namjoon finally said. Behind him, the boys were saying that maybe they should just talk to her next time. None of them knew about Namjoon's suspicions. He hushed them. Nina sighed as she let them in. She decided that she would just have them wait downstairs and she would wake the two up and warn them. She brought out the guest slippers and instructed them to wait in the living room.

Nina stopped at the top of the stairs to make sure they were staying put. They were, so she went to Rose's study. She opened the door and found them in the same position. She smiled. Rose wasn't having a nightmare and she could swear that they were just a tiny bit closer. She remembered the boys downstairs and quickly made her way to Rose. They had left the lights on while watching their movie so she was able to avoid tripping on anything unlike usual when Nina came to wake Rose up. She kneeled on an open area of the couch and shook Rose's knee.

"Wake up." No response. "Rose, wake up. Seriously. Get the hell up." Rose stirred and turned to Nina, barely opening her eyes.

"What's the emergency?" Rose's voice was raspy with sleep, a sound Nina wasn't used to.

"Those BTS guys are downstairs." When Rose just stared blankly, Nina knew she wasn't completely awake. If she was, she would be totally freaking out.

"So noisy..." Yoongi said as he stirred lightly. At the sound of his voice, Rose blinked and her head turned back to his direction. After a second, her eyes widened and tried to move away. She ended up bumping into Nina who was still kneeling on the couch. Rose's head cleared and she took in what Nina had just told her. Nina could see that Rose was about to panic.

Rose turned to Yoongi and started shaking his shoulders, not very gently. "Yoongi, wake up. The guys are downstairs. You have to wake up." Yoongi grabbed Rose's hand that was on his shoulder and held it in place as he sighed. Rose pulled her hand out of his grasp and jabbed him in the side. He let out a groan and opened his eyes to glare. When he realized who it was, he became embarrassed and shifted upright on the cushion.


"Don't worry about it, we have bigger problems."

"Like?" Yoongi's voice was husky from sleep and Rose felt her stomach do a flip.

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