C30- The Words You Don't Say

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Narrator POV

The house was completely silent. The boys let all the information Rose had told them sink in. And it was a lot to take. A few tears rolled down some of their cheeks adding to the ones that had fallen earlier during her story. Rose let go of Nina's hand that she had been clutching since she started telling the story. A large weight had been lifted from her shoulders, but another one was still there. How were they going to react? Rose folded her hands in her lap, her nails digging into her palms.

Namjoon was the one to break the silence. "Thank you," he said looking directly into Rose's eyes. "Thank you for telling us. For trusting us with that. I can—I can only imagine how hard it would be. So... thank you."

Taehyung stood up slowly and looked at Rose. Rose couldn't read his expression. In less than a second, Taehyung jumped over the coffee table and tackled Rose farther into the couch. "Yeah, thank you noona. I'm really happy. Well, not about what happened, but happy that you told us. It just means we get to know you better and understand you more. And that makes me very happy."

"You act like a child, but everyone once in a while, your words are actually almost adultish," Jin teased him. Taehyung, who was now sitting comfortably on Rose's lap, stuck out his tongue in response. "Aaaaand we're back to Taetae." Everyone laughed... except Yoongi who was stuck in his thoughts. Rose noticed his lack of interaction and she immediately jumped to the worst conclusion: her past had affected him the way she was afraid it would. She started to feel sick to her stomach.

Right then, Jungkook spoke up, "You know we still feel the same about you, right noona?" Her attention snapped to him. "I mean, we know more about you, even if they were bad things that happened. But it doesn't change anything."

Hoseok sat down on the armrest next to Rose and rested his hand on her shoulder. "If anything, I think it makes us respect you even more. Everything you've gone through, and you're this amazing person." Rose buried her head in Taehyung shoulder out of embarrassment. "You didn't let what happen to you break you. You used it to become a better person. And I admire that." Rose looked at him out of the corner of her eyes, her cheeks pink and her eyes prickling with tears. Hoseok felt his heart skip a beat. Why did this woman have such an impact on him?

"Hyung! You're gonna make her cry!" Jimin berated Hoseok.

"But this one tears—are good, right Rose?" Nina nudged her and Rose shyly nodded her head.

Yoongi sat there not knowing what to say. He watched the playful conversation between Rose and his members, but his mind was completely blank. He wanted to say that he agreed, that he felt the same, that her past just gave her more depth, that knowing what she had gone through and how she was now just made him fall more in love with her. But he couldn't. He couldn't get the words to come out. He, of course, couldn't say his more romantic feelings towards her, but even the other stuff he couldn't seem to say. And he didn't know why. He felt them, but his mouth stayed closed. Maybe it was because he wanted to say it where it wouldn't sound like he was just jumping on the band wagon. He had no idea that his hesitancy was hurting the person he so badly wanted to encourage.

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