C13- Unwanted Feelings

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Thoughts in italics. English in bold.

Hoseok's POV

I woke up to feel someone gently shaking my shoulders. Ugh, Jin, I'm too tired, let me sleep... "Five more minutes..." Jin shook me again. Why, hyung? Normally when I ask for more time, he'll give it to me. I turned away from him. All of a sudden, my whole body was being shaken "WAKE—UP—HOBIE. Breakfast time. Up and at 'em." The shaking was forcing my breath out of me. That's not Jin, that's a girl's voice. She was still shaking me.

"UuuuUUUuuuuUUUuuuhhhhh—ok, I'm up," I opened my eyes and saw Rose beaming down at me. "Stop trying to kill me," I groaned. She leaned down to my ear. My heart started fluttering. Her breath was warm on my ear. I could almost feel her lips. "If I wanted to kill you—" You would've? So she's cheesy too, huh? I squealed before I could even register what had happened. This girl! Her fingers were digging into my sides. How did she know I was ticklish? Damnit, she found out this morning when she made me go back to bed! Then I couldn't think anymore. I tried to squirm away, but she was unrelenting.

When I finally caught a breath, I was able to squeeze out a weak "Noona!" She didn't stop. "Ok, noona—you win!" She loosened her grip on my side, but she didn't completely stop. I was able to catch my breath and without thinking, I flipped our positions. Now she was under me. I froze for a second. God, she is so beautiful. She has no idea what she does to me. Her lips were curved into a wide smile causing her nose to scrunch up adorably and her beautiful brown eyes to narrow. Her cheeks were flushed, her breath was heavy from laughing, and her auburn hair was splayed out across my pillow. It started to make me think things that I shouldn't. So I did the only thing I could to break my thoughts—I started tickling her. She tried to arch away from my fingers, but I had her too tightly. I had to distract her so that she didn't question why I had paused. I kept tickling her and she kept trying to wriggle away.

"Ok! Ok—you win—I'm sorry!" Her voice went up an octave. "I'm sorry!" We were both laughing so hard that my sides felt like she was still tickling me. I started to let up and she immediately started fighting back. She managed to trap one of my arms with hers before the door opened. The maknae line came in.

"Having fun without us?" Jimin said, pretending to take offense. Usually, Taehyung always takes my side in these types of battles so I figured it'd be the two of us versus the other three. I wasn't surprised when Jimin tried to help Rose, but I was surprised when the other two did the same. Taehyung was actually the one trapping my arms to my side. "Run, noona!" Jimin yelled like he was saving her from some terrible fate. "Run while you still can." Rose took advantage of the help and got untangled. I almost caught her foot, but she was just a little too fast. She was still laughing as she left the room. The boys continued their attack until Taehyung finally switched to my side and helped me hold them off.

When they finally stopped, we fell back: me laying against the wall where the head of my bed was, Taehyung was next to me on the adjacent wall, Jimin was splayed at the foot of the bed, and Jungkook was on the floor. I gave him a look to ask Taehyung why he had switched sides on me. He looked embarrassed and refused to look at my eyes again. That's...weird. Jimin jumped up and said something about racing to the kitchen table and the other two followed hot on his heels.

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