C26- Hide and Seek

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Rose POV

The drive to the park took over an hour. The boys wanted to go somewhere they could have fun without having to worry about fans seeing them. Apparently, one of the staff at BigHit lived in the area where the park was and informed the boys of its existence. The staff member said that no one ever went there so it'd be the perfect place for us to have a picnic. The boys and their manager agreed, so there we went. I pulled up to the almost secluded parking lot. That staff member had been right. It was a beautiful Saturday afternoon and the only other vehicle in the parking lot was the boys' van. I wondered how long ago they had arrived. I texted Jin that I had arrived and then started to gather my purse and a couple large containers of food.

"Noona!" I looked up to see the maknaes running towards me.

"Hey boys!" I used my hip to close the door because my hands were full. The boys ran up to me and immediately started grabbing the food and taking off back to the park. "I see how it is!" I yelled at their retreating figures. "When there's food, you just forget about me!"

"We'll be back for you, noona!" Jimin yelled back. "When our hands aren't so full." He winked at me. Dork. With my hands now free, I was able to lock my car and start heading after the boys. I didn't know anything about this park so I just hoped I didn't get lost. A minute later, the boys were jogging back to me. I squealed when Taehyung picked me up so that my stomach was at his face level and proceeded to carry me to the picnic area. I knew that Jungkook was strong, but I guess he wasn't the only one.

"Tae, put me down," I laughed as I squirmed in his grasp.

"Never!" he responded dramatically. Then I ended up literally in the middle of a tug-of-war match, me being the thing being tugged on. Less than a minute later, it ended when Jimin fell, pulling me on top of him, facing each other, Taehyung on top of me, and Jungkook sprawled out next to us. We were all cracking up except Jimin whose face was completely red. Guess he's all talk, huh? I decided to play a little more.

"Jimin, your face is a little red," I said with a straight face as I brushed his bangs off of his forehead and then traced my hand around his face. He turned an even brighter red. I lost it and buried my face into his shoulder, laughing like there was no tomorrow. Taehyung brought his face to rest over my shoulder so he could see Jimin's face.

"Hyung, your face is so red," he laughed. Suddenly, there was extra weight as Jungkook jumped on top of the pile. We all groaned.

"Hey, are you guys gonna make it to the picnic or you just gonna keep trying to kill noona," Hoseok barked playfully, heading to us.

"She's ours!" Taehyung yelled.

"Help me Hobi-won Kenobi, you're my only hope!" I cried dramatically, thrusting my arm towards him. His face broke out into a wide grin.

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