C 23- Puzzle Pieces

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Warning: some discussion of violence, mild language

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Warning: some discussion of violence, mild language

Narrator POV

After that morning, the boys had taken Nina's advice and messaged Rose. Exactly as Nina predicted, Rose didn't remember almost anything from that morning. Nina assured her that Rose hadn't said anything embarrassing, but Rose thought she remembered crying and the boys hugging her. She definitely remembered hugging Yoongi, she couldn't seem to get his scent out of her head. And Jimin smiling at her... she figured that, for whatever reason, they must've forgiven her for her outburst and talked to her that morning. Rose felt both relieved and anxious.

For the next week, the boys' schedule kept them busy and they were unable to hang out. Rose kept busy with work, restarting her regular exercises (albeit more lightly), and continuing work on her book. After having slept for so long after just having some sleep the day before, Rose felt a lot more rested than usual. Yoongi was unable to come over the next Saturday morning due to an early schedule, but the boys invited both Rose and Nina to eat with them that night.

Everyone had fun chowing down on pizza, after Namjoon had somehow managed to break the stove. Rose enjoyed the night because everything seemed back to normal. She was a little wary about how normal it was, but she decided to stop trying to look for the worst in everything. That was her new goal. The boys did, of course, ask her a few times if her knee was alright, but after playfully telling them to stop asking before she showed them exactly how well her knee was doing (a powerful roundhouse kick in the air) they stopped asking.

They played a few cards games and a couple videogame matches, but after that, it was time to head home. Farewells were said and the girls went back home. The boys continued to have a busy schedule as they worked on some of their new choreography, interviews, appearances, and the like. She had met the younger ones for tutoring while the older ones were at schedules, but it wasn't for another couple weeks before Rose was asked to come over and help on the last couple songs Yoongi and Namjoon had just finished.

Yoongi POV

The sound of the doorbell had the maknaes sprinting out of their room with yells of "Noona!". I was excited. I hadn't seen her for almost two weeks. I, of course, had been texting her, but it wasn't the same thing. Jungkook managed to manhandle his way to the door handle whereupon he flung it open when the other two fell into him. Taehyung was the first person to make it out of the accidental dogpile and he scooped up a laughing Rose like he was going to run away with her. God, how I loved to see her laughing. Her voice was musical. Maybe it was just me, but it seemed like she was more beautiful every time I saw her. When the other two were finally able to untangle themselves, they started to playfully fight over Rose.

Jin walked to the doorway, "Okay boys, let the poor noona go. You're gonna scar her for life if you keep doing that every time she comes over." Rose laughed at the boys who were fighting over who got to be the last to let go.

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