C16- Bultaoreune

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PG-13 warning for some brief mature content

Thoughts in italics. English in bold.

Rose POV

The day dragged on. Even though I had finally gotten past the whole almost-kiss incident, I still had trouble working on my story. Eventually, I got bored of sitting and just looking at my computer and decided to watch TV downstairs. There was one in my study, but I didn't want to worry about waking Yoongi. I went to the second living room on the other side of the kitchen. Usually, I watched TV in the main living room, but I was worried that the noise would wake him up.

Several hours later, I felt my stomach growl and looked at the clock. I shot up off the couch. Holy crap, how is this the time? Earlier, the clock wouldn't move. Now, I can't believe it's already dinner time. I hadn't eaten all day. Should I wake Yoongi up? I know he needs his sleep, but he's been sleeping for almost ten hours and he also needs food. Maybe I'll make dinner first, then decide what to do with him. Just as I decided this, Yoongi appeared in the kitchen. He was scratching his chest—his bare chest.

"Umm... Yoongi? Why aren't you wearing a shirt?" I was blushing. It's like he's doing this on purpose. He had a weird look on his face as he started to walk over.

"I was too hot." He stopped a few steps away from me.

"O-oh, sorry. Maybe the air conditioner is broken—let me check." I quickly skipped up the stairs. Yoongi closely followed behind me. Really closely. I got to the room and stepped inside. It felt cool to me. "Yoongi—" I turned around to find Yoongi standing just a step away. "I-It feels cool to me."

"I didn't say the room was hot... I said I was hot." He quickly closed the space between us and I instinctively took a step back.

"Y-Y-Yoongi. Wh-what are you doing?" He took another step and I followed the same pattern. His pupils were dilated and he had a look on his face that I had never seen on him before. My back met the wall and Yoongi stopped with his body almost pressed against mine. He looked down at my lips and licked his own seductively. This can't be happening. There's no way. He doesn't like me like that. 'Guys don't need to like a girl in order for them to use her. Some guys can really mess with your head, your heart, just for their own fun.' Is that what this is? Was Nina right?

"I haven't been able to sleep this whole time. And it's all thanks to you." He looked me in the eyes and my heart started racing even more than it was earlier. I couldn't take a full breath. What is he doing to me? Is he using me just because I'm here? But, more importantly, do I even care if that's the case?

"Yoongi, what are you doing?" I repeated, this time my voice wasn't fearful or nervous... it was hopeful. I licked my lips out of habit and he bit on his. He let out a low growl and slammed his left hand on the wall next to my head. He brought his right hand to the wall right beside my head and leaned in to my ear.

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