C25- Music and Love

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Rose POV

For the next two weeks, the boys continued to be busy. Yoongi was only able to come over the second Saturday. And was acting a little weird. He had woken up at lunch again, but instead of working on his music alone, he asked me to join him. I'd heard that he never shared his unfinished work with anyone, so I was surprised at his request. But there was no way I'd turn down a chance like that. It was amazing: from his unfinished raps to just random songs stuck in his head. At one point, we were looking over a song and he started to try to explain what was in his head.

"It's, uh, how can I explain it? Like soft, but powerful. I can't even think of the melody completely, but it starts like this." He pressed play and played about a minute of a song. It was melodic, but when it ended abruptly, I looked at him. "And that's where I keep getting stuck." I thought about it and hummed out a few more notes that felt like they fit the melody. "Something like that! Hold on, let me—stupid computer. It's hard to play music off of here. Sorry. I wish we were at my studio."

"If you're wanting to work out a melody, we can go downstairs." Yoongi gave me a questioning look. "I have some instruments downstairs." His eyes widened.


"Mm. Even though I can't play at all like I used to, I like to play when I'm feeling particularly nostalgic. Plus, the doctor's had recommended that I keep at it to keep the joints from getting too stiff."

Yoongi smiled at me. "Does that mean I'll get to hear you play?" he teased.

"Maybe, but you first. I want to see you in action." Okay, that came out a little creepy.

"Okay, deal," he laughed. He gathered his papers and laptop and I led him to the music room. I watched as he looked over everything in awe. "Wow, this is awesome. I wish I had a room like this at the dorm."

"Then you'd have to have bunk beds for all of you guys." I laughed at the image.

"Ugh! I don't think I could handle that."

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