C 14- Clearing Up Misunderstandings

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Hello! Sorry if I don't comment on my stuff, I just have too many things going on at the same time and I always only remember to add a chapter just before bed

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Hello! Sorry if I don't comment on my stuff, I just have too many things going on at the same time and I always only remember to add a chapter just before bed. Thank you so much for reading and I hope you enjoy this chapter!!!

Thoughts in italics. English in bold.

Narrator POV

After breakfast

Taehyung and Jimin cleaned up and started washing the dishes. They were both being punished for their behavior: Taehyung for being a sleep-pervert and Jimin throwing things out of proportion and freaking everyone out. Yoongi kept looking at Namjoon, trying to gauge how Namjoon felt about what had happened. Yoongi could see that he was concerned. Of course he would be, the girl he likes was kissed by another guy, even if it wasn't done intentionally. It bothered me too.

Yoongi immediately felt guilty. He was hated the fact that he was jealous more than he was concerned for Namjoon. He already felt horrible about what happened with Rose. He had let his jealousy get the best of him and accidentally turned that anger towards her. When she had almost fallen, he reacted instantly to grab her. He didn't dare apologize because then she might begin to suspect his feelings. When Namjoon had helped her up, Yoongi had felt the jealousy bubble up again. He couldn't look at her for the rest of the breakfast, he was too ashamed. For scaring her and for the feelings he had towards her.

Namjoon didn't know how to react to what had happened. When Jimin had first said it, it had bothered him. Then Rose had almost fallen over. He had helped her back up, but as she explained what happened, he saw the look on Yoongi's face. Yoongi looked... apologetic? Ashamed? What had he done? Namjoon knew Yoongi could sometimes have a temper. And if Yoongi liked Rose the way Namjoon suspected, he had probably gotten angry. Maybe he had even directed that anger at Rose. Did he scare her? That thought got him pissed off. Yoongi shouldn't let his anger get the best of him. Especially not towards Rose. She was already nervous around him. Namjoon would have to talk to him. But not now. I don't even know if he realizes how he feels. Hyung is not the best at... getting in touch with his feelings. Namjoon sighed. Hell, I don't even know how I feel.

Hoseok had been gauging Yoongi and Namjoon's reactions after the revelation. Of course, Hoseok himself felt jealous, but he wanted to keep away from those feelings. He had to make sure the other two were okay. Hoseok could tell Namjoon was concerned, but he couldn't tell exactly why Namjoon was concerned. Hoseok saw that Namjoon kept looking at Yoongi. Does he know how Yoongi feels? That wouldn't surprise him. Namjoon is a genius after all. But as long as he doesn't figure me out, it'll be fine. Yoongi, on the other hand, had started off angry –there's no denying that he likes her—and then looked ashamed the rest of the time. He must know how Namjoon feels. I guess we're all idiots. Falling for the same person, feeling guilty about it, standing aside. And where will that leave us? Or her?

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