C29- Pain, Betrayal, and Learning to Trust Again

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In continuation

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In continuation...

Serious trigger warnings for this chapter. Abuse, sexual innuendo, language, violence


Rose POV

Nine Years Ago

I loved being homeschooled. I could do my classes pretty much whenever, which meant I could run my errands pretty much whenever. I liked that because if I went in the middle of the day, during regular school hours, I could go window shopping at the mall without worrying about other people. It's not that I didn't like people, it's just that, for me, adults liked to continually congratulate me on my most recent recital and the kids my age were always trying to get me to go places with them. And that's not meant in the arrogant sort of way, it was just how our small town worked. I'd been told that, aside from my small-time, and quickly progressing, celebrity status, I was actually one of those people that other people just like to be around. I never understood it, but it did make it hard to just be a normal kid. So I liked to go during times that it wasn't so crowded. My siblings wanted to stay in public school, though, so they usually didn't go with me.

This particular day, I managed to finish everything quickly. Age 15 and down to my last couple months of high school. It was exciting. After an hour, I finally made it to my favorite store: the book store. This was the only store that I regularly bought from. I was browsing through the new releases when, out of my periphery, I noticed someone standing near me and looking in my direction. I looked up and I met the eyes of a handsome boy who looked to be around my age. He smiled when I looked at him. I hesitantly smiled back. He was definitely good-looking, tall and stocky with carefully styled hair, but I had never seen him before. That wasn't completely impossible, but in this small town, it was definitely unusual. Plus, if he was my age, he should be in school, although I guess it was possible that he just had a baby face. But his smile... it didn't quite hide the strange look in his eyes. Something about him seemed off, but I didn't want to jump to conclusions.

"Hi, I'm Jason," he said shyly, holding out his hand.

I took it hesitantly. "Umm, nice to meet you."

Jason must've sensed my uneasiness because he immediately started explaining. "Sorry about bothering you, but, uhh, well, my family just moved here. I-I've seen you around town. And, well, I don't want to sound weird, but I just wanted to say, I think you're really beautiful. And, um, I've been working up the courage to ask you out. So here I am." He shyly rubbed the back of his neck. There was still something about him that made me uneasy. But even if that wasn't the case, I wasn't looking to date anyone, I had enough on my plate.

"I'm sorry, you seem nice," kind of, "but I'm not looking for a relationship right now." His eyes narrowed for a moment before he forced a smile.

"Well, I guess I'll just have to wait then." He didn't seem too broken up, just annoyed. "I'll see you later." He gave a short wave as he walked away. That was...weird. I finished perusing the shelves and bought my selected book. I spent another hour or so looking through a couple stores before deciding to head home. If I stayed out much longer, school would let out, and I was likely to run into people. I was supposed to meet with my friends in a couple hours so I didn't want to get roped into anything else. I went out the side entrance and took out my keys to unlock my bike. Suddenly, a cloth with a sweet smell was clamped over my mouth and nose and an arm wrapped around my waist, lifting me off the ground. Then everything went black.

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