C20- Amusement Park Fun and Pain

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Narrator POV

Nina and Rose pulled into the packed parking lot of the amusement park. Nina checked her makeup in the visor mirror again.

"You've done that every time we've stopped at a light. Knock it off. You're beautiful, he's going to think so too," Rose teased.

"He? He who?" Nina asked, poorly pretending to have no idea what Rose was talking about.

"You know who. Don't even bother pretending. I can see right through it. And if I, the dense one as you put it, can see it, then it has to be true." Nina sighed as she folded the visor back up.

"You're right. But that's the problem. I never fall for the nice guys and they never fall for me. And the ones I think are nice guys turn out to be assholes who can keep up a good façade for a short time."

"But he is a good guy. You like him and I saw that he likes you."

"Either he's not really a good guy or he doesn't actually like me. Those are the only possible conclusions."

"Historically, maybe, but historically, I shouldn't've been able to sleep for six hours without suffering a nightmare or being in one of my coma-sleep things. And yet, yesterday, I slept for almost six hours and actually had good dreams." Rose was disappointed that she couldn't remember the dream, even though she knew that that was normal for most people.

"Well, I can't argue with the last part at least." They both sighed as they got out of the car.

"But, we're at an amusement park so we better put our happy faces on." Nina smiled at Rose.

"True. Gotta get our game faces on. It's a theme park, it's supposed to be a happy place. We can't be the ones setting a bad mood." They linked arms as they skipped towards the entrance.

At the entrance, BTS waited. Some of them were excited to get started and some of them were understandably nervous. When Rose and Nina appeared around the corner after leaving the parking area, arms linked together, Taehyung ran up to them. He separated their arms from each other and planted himself in the middle, linking arms with both of them.

"Someone's excited," Rose laughed. Nina just looked confused. She had only seen Taehyung twice so she was confused by his forwardness. Rose saw Nina's face and laughed again. "Don't even bother thinking about it, he's always like that. Just go with it." Nina laughed and Taehyung beamed his box smile at her.

"Wah! He's so cute!" Nina exclaimed at his smile. Taehyung giggled as he pulled the girls along. When they reached the entrance, Taehyung nonchalantly steered Nina to stand beside Jin, and Rose, being pulled along for the ride, ended up next to Hoseok. Nina and Jin shifted nervously and refused to look at each other.

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