C33- No More

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Narrator POV

"Seriously! What's your problem?" Namjoon chased after Yoongi. Yoongi slammed his door closed almost hitting Namjoon in the face. Earlier, Namjoon was annoyed, now he was pissed. Hyung or not, it was not okay to slam the door in someone's face, especially when they were trying to talk to you. Namjoon flung the door open making an indentation in the wall with the door handle. "What the hell's wrong with you?!"

"Nothing was wrong with me until you wouldn't leave me alone. Now you're pestering me and it's pissing me off," Yoongi yelled back. The other boys gathered at the doorway watching the two, ready to jump in should the fight become physical.

"I'm pestering you because you don't seem to know what your job is anymore. Last week, you were out of it, barely talking to anyone. This week, you're worse. And you're snapping at people. Yesterday you yelled at Tae and Jungkook for 'being too loud' while playing their video game. And today, you're refusing to do the Bangtan Bomb."

"I said I wasn't feeling well." Yoongi sat on his bed, his knuckles white from clenching the covers.

"You snapped at me. And then stormed off," Namjoon raised his voice.

"Guys. I think we should talk," Hoseok spoke up. Yoongi immediately looked at him fearfully. This quickly turned to anger.

Yoongi thrusted his finger at Hoseok. "Don't you dare," he said through clenched teeth. Hoseok quickly stepped back.

"Okay. That's enough. Maknaes, go play a game in the living room," Jin calmly interjected. "You two, in my room, five minutes. Use the time to get your head on straight. Understood?" Namjoon and Yoongi reluctantly nodded. "Hoseok. We need to talk first." Hoseok looked up at Jin nervously and then glanced at Yoongi, who shook his head. Hoseok looked back to Jin and nodded his head slightly in nervous agreement. Yoongi let out a huff before throwing himself back on his bed and pulling his headphones on. The younger boys went to the living room to start up a game (though they were probably going to have trouble paying attention). Namjoon let himself out to the backyard. Jin left Yoongi's room and gestured for Hoseok to follow.

Hoseok and Jin went to Jin's room and shut the door behind them. "I have an idea of what this is about, but I get the feeling that you know more," Jin prodded Hoseok.

"I don't—"

"And don't lie to me. You're a bad liar."

Hoseok let out a deep sigh. His eyes stayed glued to the floor. "I think... I think you should talk to the two of them. This... this is between them. I don't want to get involved."

"You're already involved." Hoseok's head snapped up to look at him. "I'm not stupid. We've all seen what's going on with you three and Rose." Hoseok's eyes grew wide. "I told you, you're a bad liar. And a bad actor. But at least you can control your emotions. Mostly. I've seen you eating less, too. And your smiles are often forced lately. We've all noticed." Jin put his hand on Hoseok's shoulder. "And as bad as it is for you to do that to yourself, I'm glad that at least you're not taking it out on them. But I need to know, why was Yoongi like that last week? And what changed? Why is he worse this week?" Hoseok's eyes darted back and forth nervously. "And I won't tell either of them you said anything."

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