C 10- I Don't Want to Sleep

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Thoughts in italics. English in bold.

Narrator POV

Rose recovered quickly and pulled back, taking the napkin with her. Her face was bright red. "U-uh. Th-thanks Yoongi-ah. But-uh- you didn't need to—I can do it m-myself." She kept her face pointed at the floor as she wiped the chocolate off. The boys started "OoOoo"ing.

"Knock it off," Yoongi covered for himself. "I just didn't want any of you guys to get any weird ideas. You all like to act like you're characters in a romance drama."

"So instead, you decided to get weird ideas and act like a romance drama character?" Jin teased. Yoongi coughed and went back to eating the fruit. Jimin was now feeding himself as the other boys tried to have a turn at feeding Rose. Yoongi felt like someone was watching him. He turned to find Namjoon staring intently at him. He had been staring since Yoongi had cleaned Rose's face. Yoongi mouthed "What". Namjoon just snorted and turned his head back in Rose's direction.

"Alright, guys. I've think you've harassed the poor girl enough. Go back to the room..." Namjoon raised his voice to be heard over the yelling.

"Awww," the boys pouted as they started to walk away. Suddenly, Hoseok turned back with a piece of fruit still in his hand and quickly fed it to Rose. The other boys started protesting but Hoseok just beamed his sweet smile and Jin herded the boys back to the room. Rose started to clean up the food.

Namjoon joined her. "You're a guest, you shouldn't clean up. I'll—"

"I'll help her." Yoongi snatched what Namjoon had started to pick up and quickly took it to the kitchen. Rose and Namjoon looked at each other. Rose gave a questioning look while Namjoon laughed knowingly.

"Don't worry about it. He's just weird," he assured her. Rose shrugged and carried the remaining items to the kitchen. She put the dishes in the sink and turned around to ask where she should put the leftover fruit, but he wasn't there. She started craning her neck to find him.

"What're you doing?" Yoongi asked her, annoyed. He knew what she was doing, but, for a reason he didn't understand, it pissed him off that she was only looking for Namjoon to help her. I'm more than capable of helping. Either she doesn't want me to help or she just specifically wants Namjoon to. Either way, she doesn't have to rub it in my face.

Rose jumped when Yoongi spoke to her. "Sorry, I just thought Namjoon had come in too." I can't believe he left me alone with Yoongi. "I was looking for something to put the fruit in. I-I guess I can just leave them in the container I brought and I'll just get it back next time." She spoke hurriedly so she could get out of the kitchen. She was nervous about being with him for even a short period. He turned and took a step towards her. She was caught off-guard and stepped back by reflex. Yoongi frowned, disappointed, turned towards the counter, crouched down, and pulled out a plastic container from the shelves. He straightened himself and slowly held the container out to her.

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