C35- Party Antics

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Narrator POV

For the next two weeks, Namjoon kept trying to convince Yoongi to hear him out. Two of their new music videos had just dropped and A.R.M.Y.s were clamoring for more. The guys didn't want to disappoint so they worked their asses off to send the next one out. This allowed Yoongi an easy escape from Namjoon. Every time Namjoon tried to talk to Yoongi, Yoongi would say that he had a song to check again, he had to practice, he was going to sleep, that he had something to work on. It annoyed Namjoon to no end. Namjoon felt that if Yoongi would just give him a chance to explain, that everything would work out for them.

Namjoon heard through Jin, who he was certain was dating Nina, that Nina was trying to convince Rose to talk to Yoongi. Namjoon started to directly message Nina in order to find out specifics. According to Nina, Rose was drowning herself in work. Rose was going several days without sleeping and was only intermittently eating. With everything piling up on BTS, Namjoon barely had a chance to breathe, let alone check on Rose. And he felt horrible about it. He texted her, but she always said the same things: 'I'm fine', 'Just caught up in work', 'Don't worry', and 'Of course I'm eating'. He knew that she didn't like to lie, so she was probably justifying her small snacks as 'eating', and working all day and night as 'caught up in work'.

Yoongi was eating because the other members forced him to eat, telling him he had to keep himself together for the fans. But the dark circles under his eyes were more prominent than everyone else's and they were getting to the point that it was starting to become harder to cover with makeup. Namjoon was worried for the both of them. This didn't keep Yoongi from avoiding Namjoon. He knew the younger one wanted to say something about the conversation he overheard, but Yoongi didn't want to hear excuses. He'd heard enough.

'Every time I'm around him, it hurts. Every time I look at him, it hurts. Every time he speaks, it hurts. Every time I hear him on the damn radio, it hurts. I had to take all BTS songs off my iPod because I couldn't stand to hear his voice! So please, just stop. I can't do it anymore.' Then sobbing. Yoongi wished he'd known about how she felt before he'd gotten so broken up about her. Before he'd gotten his hopes up again.

There was a knock on the bedroom door and then it was opened. Namjoon walked in. Yoongi sighed as he sat up and started towards the door.

"I'm not here to talk about Rose," Namjoon said. Yoongi stopped, waiting for him to continue. "Just don't forget about the party." There was a party for BTS's upcoming album release. The company decided to do the party early because after the release, the boys would be swamped with everything that came with releases.

"Of course not," Yoongi rolled his eyes. "It's our party. We have to be there."

"Just... try to make sure you get some sleep before then. It won't be good for pictures to show you looking like a zombie, the way you do now."

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