Siri Chen, Third Young Miss

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She dropped the hand mirror as her head fell forward to hit the desk in horror. Who is she? Why is she in another body. If she is here, where is her body?

"Young Miss!" The maid who had fallen asleep woke up when she heard the loud thump. "You've finally woken up!"

Siri didn't even look at the young maid who came over. The words the maid spoke was not english. How is it that she could understand? What kind of language is this? Why is it that she can understand it? She closed her eyes willing herself to make herself believe that this was all a dream.

"You've scared all of us when you refused to wake up! We thought you were dead!"

SIri's eyes opened up at those words. Was she dead? Is this purgatory? She doesn't even believe in religion!

"You slept for three nights and four days! I can now send word to your father that you're awake. Come back to bed. You need to rest. You're still to weak to be moving around." The maid ordered her as she help lift Siri off the desk and move her back to her bed.

Siri kept quiet the whole time as she let the young girl take care of her. She let the young girl tuck her into bed then fix the blankets over her again before pushing her hair back.

"I'll tell cook to make you some soup and make your medicine. You wait here, Young Miss, I'll take care of you and nurse you back to health. " She told Siri and as she turn around to leave, Siri reached out her hand from under the blanket and grabbed hold of her arm, stopping her.

"Who are you?"

"Oh, no. It's worst than I thought!" The maid cried out loudly drawing attention from the maids who waited outside. The door banged open as two more maids ran to her side.

"What happened? Is our Young Miss dead?!" The shorter of the three maids cried out as tears begin to fall down her face.

"No!" The first maid cried out. "She doesn't remember us! She lost her memories! Quick, summon the doctor!"

A man who waited by the door quickly left as the three girls cried.

"How can you not remember me, Young Miss? How can you not remember your Rose?" Rose cried out. "How can you not remember Gilldy and Meda?"

Gilldy was the first maid who sat by her when she woke up. All three of them had dark brown hair and hazel eyes. They looked like sisters, with Gilldy having an air of maturity, while Rose seemed like the youngest, with her sensitive nature and Meda the middle sister with her quietness.

"Maybe it's for the best." Gilldy said. "Then she wouldn't remember her heartbreak."

"Heartbreak?" Siri asked.

"Don't think about such things at the moment. Just think about getting better." Meda ordered her as she stared hatefully at Gilldy. If their Young Miss lost her memories, do not remind her of them!

An old man of fifty came in with another middle age man in white and the young man who stood by the door before.

"Master Frank." The three maids said as they bowed.

"Frank" was the older man, he had salt and pepper hair and a long, hard face. His bushy eyebrows could cover his eyes and he had high cheekbones as well. His silver eyes reminded Siri of the silver eyes on the face she saw earlier.

"Quickly check on her." Frank said to Doctor Korma.

Doctor Korma came to her side and peeled back the thick blankets before getting to what he was looking for. His hand reached out and felt her pulse as he closed his eyes. After a while, Doctor Korma opens his eyes and sighed.

"Young Miss Siri's body is infected with the Spirit of Coldness. It had seeped down to her bones and her organs making her forget who she was before she woke up. I will prescribe you medicine to help her get better, but as for the Spirit of Coldness, there is no curing that."

Siri made a face. Spirit of Coldness? Making her lose her memories because it infected her bones and her organs? What kind of lies is the Doctor telling them? And they believed him?!?

"Make sure she gets better!" Frank ordered her maids before he left.

After the door shut, it was then she spoke. "Who's Frank?"

The three of them cried out loudly at her question before promising to tell her everything after she got better.

The medicine she was given made her sleepy. And as she slept she dreamed. And when she dreamed, it became more sad which caused her to become sad. She dreamed she lived a life of loneliness. Constantly being taught, manners, etiquette, and history. Being taught how to read, write, paint, play chess and learn several instruments. From day to night, she practiced every subject diligently for a reason. What that reason was, she couldn't remember, but she did it anyways. She did it because that was all she knew how to do. It was her earliest memories and that was all she knew, so she did it every day. The furtherest she ever gone out was the front gate to her courtyard. The front gate that held several maids and male servants running to and fro.

Who was she and where was she? Who was the man called Frank to her and why is she here? Questions ran through her head as she forced herself to wake up. In the same bedroom again, she took off four blankets before going back to sleep.

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