First Fight

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Siri laying down in bed within Ryu's embrace after a long and very heated make up sex they just had.  Earlier that evening, Siri told him about the Taiyo flower and asked if she could go look for it.  But Ryu immediately shot her suggestion down.  

"No, my men will search for the flower."  He said as he stared at her.  He could never let her out of his sight.  Could never let her go off with some of his guards to Gods know where and find the flower.

"But the flower can only last five days!"  Siri told him.  "Should the journey be longer than that, then wouldn't it be a waste to harvest it?"  

"No is no, Siri."  Ryu told her sternly.  

"So I should just die in eight years, is that it?  Is that only how many years you want to live together?"  Siri reminded him of her mortality.  "Is that why you want to be with me, so after eight years you can find someone else who's younger and better?"  

Ryu's eyes lit up in rage at her words.  No one would dare to speak like this to him.  No one but his courageous wife.  

"You will not die in eight years."  Ryu said through his teeth.  "And I already told you that I will only have ONE woman as my Queen and that person is you.  Now I'm warning you to stop spouting nonsense about your death, for you will live and grow old with me." 

"Then I should go and find this flower that can cure me."  Siri shouted at him in frustration.  Why was he being such a pig head right now.  The only cure to her illness was this flower, it only made sense for her to find it and cure herself as soon as possible. 

"No."  Ryu told her again through his teeth.  His anger overrode his common sense for the first time in his life.  Her leaving him and the dangers that could hurt her on her way to find the flower made his heart hurt just thinking about it.  He couldn't let her go.  No matter how much she pleaded, begged or got angry.  His decision was final.  "We don't even know where it is.  That being the case, it would take you months, even years to find this flower.  My men will find this flower as long as you describe how it looks like and it's characteristics.  They will find the flower for you."  

"But--"  Siri began to say but was cut off by Ryu.

"No buts!  It's final.  My decision is final.  You will not go looking for this flower.  You will stay here, by my side, while my men go look for it."  Ryu told her sternly.  

Siri glared hatefully at her husband before leaving the room in a huff.  On her way out she slammed the door which surprised all the guards and Steward Mo who was waiting outside the study to talk to Ryu.  They all heard Ryu and Siri arguing and they all agreed with Ryu.  How could they send their Princess out to find this flower when they have no idea where it is, where to start looking for it, and for the mere fact that she has absolutely no skills in the martial arts.  

She would be a white lamb for the slaughtering, should she go by herself.  Even if she went with guards, there's no telling how long it will take her to find this flower.  She could be gone from their Prince's side for a long time and they knew how attached he's gotten with their new Princess.  

Siri marched out of there with as much pride and grace as she could before climbing the stairs and locking everyone out of their bedroom.  Her maids were surprised by her actions, so they tried to calm her anger down with suggestions of painting or music, but to their dismay she didn't answer them.  After 20 minutes, they became worried and went downstairs to tell their Master.  

The maids were surprised at all the guards and Steward Mo who were still standing outside of the study.  No one had enough guts to knock on the door to see if they could start the meeting.  Even though they were outside of the study room, they could feel Ryu's rage as the qi pressure around them was suffocating.  

Meada pushed her way through her sisters and walked up to the door.  Her Mistress's happiness and life meant more to her than her Master's rage and killing intent. It meant more than her life, so she gathered all her courage and knocked on the door.  

"What!"  Ryu's angry roar made everyone tremble in their shoes.  

"It's Princess Siri."  Meada said as she swallowed her saliva.  "Sh--she has locked herself inside the bedroom and it's been 20 minutes since we heard any noise.  No matter what we say or do, she won't let anyone of us in.  We're worried, Prince Ryu.  We thought maybe---" 

Meada was cut off when Ryu opened the door and walked pass her.  Everyone bowed when he walked passed them and up the stairs to their bedroom.  

"I think this a our sign for us to leave now."  Steward Mo said as he ushered all the guards and maids out.  "Our Master will tell us when they're ready for us to serve them." 

No one made a fuss as they quickly left the premise.  For they could hear the pounding of the door as Ryu shouts for Siri to open the door.  

"Siri!" Ryu bellows as he pounds on the door.  "Open up this instant!"  

When no noise could be heard, Ryu pounds on the door again.  

"You know I can just break this door down!"  He threatened.  "I would rather you open it!" 

He listens as the shuffle of feet comes closer to the door.  He could hear her hesitate for a second before unlocking the door and stepping away.  Ryu opens the door and looks at Siri.  Her liquid silver almond shaped eyes were red rimmed as if she had been crying.  Her nose was pink as if she has been blowing her nose.  Her cheeks were pink as if she was upset and her pink kissable lips quivered every time she took a breath to calm herself.  

"Have you been crying?!"  Ryu shouted as he tilts her face at him so he could clearly see her face.  

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