Engagement Party (3)

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Across from Siri and Ryu, sat Concubine Nina of the first rank.  She tried to not make her stares obvious, as her eyes kept looking at the couple in front of her.  They whispered like love birds, they shared food and drink like newlyweds, and she wanted to wipe off the smile on Princess Siri's face.  She had to endure the jealousy and anger inside her heart as she kept looking at the loving couple.  How could she not stop staring at them as they displayed their love so obviously in front of nobility and royalty? 

Nina had grown up with Ryu and as childhood playmates, the two of them were inseparable.  However when he left to go to the army, she was left behind to be raised as a lady.  When she caught the eye of the King, because of her beauty, Prince Ryu coincidently came back from his time in the army to attend the wedding.

The day before her wedding to King Cai, Prince Ryu and her had bumped into each other in the royal gardens where they use to play as children.  There, they spent the time talking and reminiscing about the past and all the fun they use to have.  She laughed and talked animatedly for hours with him before he reminded her that she was marrying his King Brother the next day. 

Although he didn't say it directly to her, she knew deep inside, that Ryu was not happy with her marriage to her King Brother.  That it should have been her who became his wife and not to his King Brother.  His unsaid words rang loudly in her mind, her heart and her soul that she promised to never give her heart to the King.  King Cai could have her body, but not her heart and spirit.  That belonged to Ryu. 

So when she heard that Ryu was engaged, and to be married in the past.  She had enough connections to ensure that he would never get married to another woman.  Only Nina could be the only woman in his heart.  Only she could be the only woman to make memories with him.  How could she let another woman replace her place in his heart and mind?  So she devised ways to ensure his fiancees would befall a misfortune before he could really connect with one of them. 

Nina had been too late this time.  Her mother was deadly ill in bed and she had gotten permission to go to her side to take care of her, for she would not have a long time to live.  She had left two months ago to her hometown and have not heard the news of Ryu's wedding until it was too late.  He had already married, the youngest miss of Prime Minister Chen.  When she arrived back to her courtyard, she had already heard about the attempted assassination on Ryu and Princess Siri.  She couldn't hire another set of assassins so soon to the first attempted assassination, otherwise they would blame her for both of them should her attempt on Princess Siri's life be found out. Now she had to wait for an opportune moment to do so.

The dancers kept getting in her way as she stared at the couple in front of her. She tried her best to hide her annoyance, however Concubine Yewha who sat next to her noticed her unusual behavior.

It has been ten years since Concubine Nina married the King and became his concubine. Within a short amount of time, she was able to win his affections and keep his affections for ten years. How could no one else be jealous of her? Concubine Yewha had won his Highness's favor a long time ago, however his attentions have wane. The only reason why she still held her first rank title was because she hasn't broken any laws and her family background. Her family has held on to their military power for several generations and has heavy influence within the government. There were only three women who could be on the same level as her and cause trouble for her should they want a war with her in the Cold Palace. The Queen Dowager, who had already passed away, the Queen and Concubine Sheyna of the first rank.

"The loving couple does draw one's attention to them, no?" Concubine Yewha commented out loud, drawing the attention from every concubine that sat close to her. "It can make one jealous of their affections towards one another."

"To be able to admit your jealousy is a great virtue." Concubine Nina said back as she looked away, damning herself for getting caught looking at Ryu and Siri.

"How can I be jealous when I am married to the King?" Concubine Yewha said back. "I was just commenting on the stares of the women in the room who keep on staring at Prince Ryu and the beautiful Princess Siri. I have seen you several times staring at them, Concubine Nina. Is it because you're jealous of their display of affections and Princess Siri's beauty, or is it because you miss your childhood playmate, Prince Ryu?"

Yehwa cut Nina's pride several times with her statement. It was their blessing to be married to the King, so why should they be jealous of Prince Ryu and Princess Siri? Prince Ryu's standing in society is lower than the King, so they should feel thankful to be King Cai's wives. Not only that she implied that Nina was jealous because of Siri's beauty and Ryu's affection towards Siri. She also implied that Nina's heart belonged to Prince Ryu and not the King. Nina could lose her head if she didn't counter answer her back correctly.

"My eyes are attracted to beautiful things. Flowers, animals, people...King Cai. How can my eyes not look upon the beauty before us? With Princess Siri's stunning beauty and her elegant demeanor that matches Prince Ryu's handsomeness and manner. How can I not gaze upon their match made in heavenly beauty and share in their happiness?" Nina said calmly and slowly. "It is no crime to look upon others and share in their happiness. And yes, Prince Ryu is my childhood friend and I am happy that he has finally found someone to share his life with. Wouldn't it be petty of me, to not wish him happiness in his life? If he could feel a tenth of happiness that I feel as King Cai's concubine, I sincerely am happy for him."

Nina smiled gently at Yewha. Nina had played their Back Palace games for 10 years, how can she just fold over and let Yewha try to trap her and walk all over her?

"Tenth Prince's birthday is coming up soon, isn't it?" Yewha said referring to Nina and King Cai's son. "He turns 8 years old, right? Have you invited Princess Siri and Prince Ryu yet? He is your childhood friend and Tenth Prince's Uncle."

"I just got back." Nina said as she held her anger within. How dare Yewha drag her son into this! "I haven't sent any invitations out yet. However I do plan to send Prince Ryu and Princess Siri an invitation once Crown Prince Morgan and Princess Consort Yelona's engagement celebration is over."

"We look forward to those invitations." Yewha said. "I especially look forward to meeting Imperial sister-in-law."

"Me too." Nina agreed as she smiled slightly before turning her attention back onto the dancers. Her eyes turned cold at all the possibilities that she could provide to get Siri killed within the royal palace. If Siri could be killed in the process of a fake assassination towards her or the King, Nina could guarantee that her plans wouldn't be found out.

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