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Within a month Siri worked around the clock perfecting the Ultimate Heaven Elixir. The 150 soldiers and shadow guards loyal to Prince Ryu who worked within his courtyard had all broke through their martial stage and all became stronger and faster. Their cultivation became easier as well, letting them gather qi quickly and storing them in their qi core.

Because they have broken through, they were on a stricter and harder training routine that would cause them to practically pass out the moment their heads hit the pillow. Since the day that Siri changed everyone's life in a single second with her Ultimate Heaven Elixir, every soldier and guard started to like and respect her more. They knew she had healing skills that could patch them up should they get injured, but to be able to create an elixir that would increase their health, strength and speed in a moment of time was something that they could give their respect to.

Their new Mistress had used her skills to help them out and now they would do anything to protect her. She had no martial abilities and was considered weak. However with all the strong soldiers and shadow guards around her, protecting her, her life should be the safest person in the whole kingdom. Even more safe than the King himself.

At the end of the month, Siri met her quota and in batches, sent out 500,000 pills of the Ultimate Heaven Elixir to Ryu's personal army. When the final wagon full of the Ultimate Heaven Elixir left her courtyard, she walked back into her room in a daze and fell asleep on her bed with all her clothing on.

In the month that she worked on the elixir, she would sometimes forget when to eat and sleep. Every couple of days, her maids would force her to eat a full meal and take a nice bath before going back to work on her elixir.

When her body hit the bed and her her head landed on the pillow, every fiber of her being shut down due to exhaustion. What she didn't know was that a few minutes after she fell a sleep, her shadow guard had sent word to Ryu that she finally fell asleep.

The moment he received word, he and his team of shadow guards entered her courtyard and went through every single inch of her home. From every nook and cranny, they searched her place for any signs of betrayal.

Ryu has always been a suspicious person and didn't easily trust people. But once his trust is earned, Ryu would give his trust to that person for life. So when Siri said she would make and give away the Ultimate Heaven Elixir to him, for his soldiers, he wanted to know why and who was behind her, to let her give it away so willingly.

He had several people keep watch of her during the month to see if anyone made contact with her other than his servants, but to his dismay, no one made their move. Siri did what she said she was going to do, and that was to make 500,000 pills in one month.

So he came to the conclusion that she was hiding something away from everyone and had instead ordered his men to search her premises for any incriminating evidence that would lead him to her Master or who ever was behind her. He wanted to find out what was her end game and wanted to know why she gave away the Ultimate Heaven Elixir so freely and willingly.

After combing through her whole courtyard and not being able to find anything, the last place he didn't look at was the bed that Siri laid on and Siri herself. None of the shadow guards were willing to go anywhere near their Master's wife. The woman who was the sole reason and the responsible person who gave them the elixir for their break through.

Ryu rolled up to his wife and saw how exhausted she was. She didn't even have a single inch of alertness to her body. Should an assassin come into her courtyard right now to assassinate her, it would have been an easy assignment. She wouldn't have even felt her death come to her until it was already done.

Ryu shook his head in disbelief. She was too weak and too trusting. Sure she had helped them, but in the end, what did she want from them? And who is behind her? Who is her Master and what does her Master want?

Ryu's hand reached out towards Siri, slowly towards her face. Within an inch of her cheeks, his hand stilled as he saw tears come out of her closed eyes and a whimper through her mouth. What dream was she having that made her cry? Who in that dream made her sad? Was it something that happened to her that made her dream about the bad memories?

Ryu pulled back his hand and with one head shake to the side. His shadow guards left her property and left him there staring at his wife as she sleeps.

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