The Fall Of The House Of Wang

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Before the sun could even rise, Siri woke up and sat on the bench by the window, waiting for the day to break. Her heart ached trying to not feel guilty about Lady Mia's death, but at the same time, feeling like she was responsible. The only way to pay her back for her selflessness was to find the culprit and make them pay.

Siri was so lost in her thoughts, she didn't even notice Ryu waking up quickly when he felt the bed next to him being empty and cold. She didn't notice him turn around quickly and finally breathe a sigh in relief when he finally saw her. She didn't notice when he sat on the edge of the bed and stare at her staring at the soft light that began to rise along with the sun.

Her naked body slowly lit up with the sun. Ryu made his way towards her and embraces her, bringing her out of her daze. His lips captures hers as he turns her around so she would be facing against him. Her back hit his chest as his hands cups her breasts and plays with them. Causing them to feel full and heavy. Her nipples comes to a peak and he flicks, tugs and pulls on them, causing her to moan loudly.

"On your knees." Ryu orders her as he helps her on her knees on the cushioned bench. He lays her hands on the window and spreads her legs out further. "Lets watch the sunrise together."

Siri's whole body shivers with anticipation. His fingers traced down her stomach to the valleys between her legs and started playing with her clitoris and moving his finger up and down her folds. He teased her entrance as he would only stick the tip of his finger inside then pull it out again.

"Ryu." Siri breathed out in frustration.

Ryu grinned. He loved it when she said his name. When she was happy, sad, mad, teasing, boasting, frustrated, when she's in ecstasy. Her voice calling his name was something he would never tire of. He positions himself behind her and enters her vagina smoothly. Siri screams his name as he pumps himself into her. Their steady rhythm caused her back to sweat as they stayed in the same position. It was only when the sun begin to light the sky did Ryu pick up the pace and the friction between her legs lit a fire so strong that she could feel her climax from the small of her back down her legs and all through her body. The shock waves rode through as his hands cups her breasts as he keeps pistoning his penis inside of her, letting her walls milk him harder. Within moments of Siri climaxing, he let his load inside of her, causing a mini orgasam again.

"Today, we will get the answers we want so when we see Lady Mia at her funeral, we can meet her with our heads held up high." Ryu whispers as he keeps himself still inside of her.

"Em." Siri said unable to talk herself.

"Do not be sad today. Today, we need to be strong to take revenge for Lady Mia." Ryu told her.

They spend the rest of the morning quickly cleaning up and changing into a new set of clothes. They eat a light meal and make their way out to the court hall. All the ministers and generals are already there. They have been waiting for an hour and no one dared to complain. When Ryu and Siri was announced, they all looked at each other in confusion. They were not expecting the royal couple, however they still bowed and stood back up once they were told to do so.

"You may be wondering why I brought my Queen here today." Ryu said right off the bat, not hiding anything from them. His direct words would ensure they all understood what he wanted to say. "As you all know by know, my Queen was attacked yesterday by an assassin. Due to Lady Mia's sacrifice and the royal guards, the assassination failed. Yet, Lady Mia's death needs to be addressed and justice needs to be served. Minister Bovi's daughter died saving my Queen. Not only do this King needs answers, but my Queen and Minister Bovi needs answers."

The Ministers and Generals all nodded their heads in agreement. An attack on the royal crown is an attack on them all. And during the attack a young lady died saving their Queen. Justice needed to be found for her ghost to pass on to the other side.

"This King will give you this only chance to confess. If you confess now, this King will give you a lesser sentence. However, should you not confess, this King will ensure that this King will end your bloodline. Not even the chicken's in your yard will survive." Ryu said as a cold, suppressing air descended onto them. It was so great that several men began to shake and kneel down with the pressure. "Come to the front and confess!"

Ryu waited, and when no one confessed, he signaled his shadow guards to bring the culprit up to the front.

Everyone was surprised when the shadow guards descended from the ceilings and surrounded Minister Roland. They held him down before tying him up as he screamed and pleaded that he was innocent. The shadow guards brought him forward, kicking the back of his knees so he would kneel.

"Your Highness." Roland begged. "There must be a mistake. I have never raise a hand against you or Queen Siri."

From the side door, a tied up Chunhua is dragged in as she swears at the guards.

"You said the King wanted to meet me. How is it that I'm tied up you bastards. Once I see Brother Ryu, I'll make sure to have your heads as payment for this!"

"Chunhua!" Roland cried out. "What did you do?"

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