Remedy (2)

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The next day Tsuyoi entered Cosmos House with a frown.  The new strategies he played against her was useless and he had been up all night reading more books on chess.  The bottle of medicine he kept next to him at all time, never pulling it out until he had to use it then hiding it again on his body.  He didn't want to take any chances.

He already knew the protocol when they checked his body over at the entrance. When he entered Cosmos House. He at the three pills without question and undressed himself and entered the bath without being asked to do so.

Again his eyes were washed with the medicinal concoction while he was being read to by Rose. However this time it was the poetry of Hazu's lover Hitoshi. Their forbidden love affair was a passionate yet tragic love between two noble scholar sons that completely riveted the whole world. Their families split them up and sent them on opposite sides of the world and yet, their love endured time and space. Their poems were love letters to one another that made people cry, yearn and smile. Their legend continued for three decades until Hazu met misfortune and passed away. In Hitoshi's last poetry book, he too described his heartbreak, yearning and loss which became his greatest work. He too died after he published his last book, never seeing the success it became.

Their poetry changed the world and changed how people thought of love and soon, the idea of what is considered love changed as well.

They changed society and their hundred years of thinking in three decades. That was how powerful and influential their works of poetry were.

Close to when the hour was up, there was a disturbance from outside. A loud shriek could be heard as a young woman's voice was shouting at the guards to let her through.

"You dare keep me away from my Master Teacher!" Chunhua shouted at Jonas. "You dare try to touch me! A young lady from the house of Minister Wang of the Second Rank!"

"Lady Chunhua." Jonas said as he and the guards blocked her way. "I am under strict orders to not let anyone in. Even if that person is King Ryu himself, he is still not allowed to go inside. If he can't go in, what makes you think you're qualified?"

Chunhua stomped her feet then tried to get through again. And again she was blocked by Jonas and three guards. Her maids that she brought were pushed back by more guards, separating them from their mistress.

"How dare you bully me!" Chunhua said as she shouted. "How dare you bully my maids!"

"And how dare you come to my courtyards uninvited, shout at my guards who were just doing their duty and cause a scene." Siri said as she stepped outside the door. Gilldy and Nurse Mi stood behind her. "Where are your escorts?"

"I--" Chunhua began to say, but was interrupted by Siri.

"You are but a guest in the royal palace. This is not your Wang Estate. The royal palace has rules that everyone has to follow, that includes you. Nurse Mi, go find the ones who are responsible for escorting Lady Chunhua and break their legs in front of the punishment hall for not doing their jobs." Siri said calmly, but her calm voice was even more scary than Chunhua's loud and shrieking voice. Her serious aura frightened everyone there. Their happy go lucky Queen, who they never seen mad before, suddenly became so fearsome that they reminded themselves to not get on her bad side. "Afterwards, throw them out of the palace. Let the whole royal servants know that the royal palace's laws are gold, should they not follow it and it displeases me, their punishment is under my control."

Chunhua and her maids took two steps back. The Queen, who had no martial abilities what so eve, yet she was the scariest person they've ever come across.

"Send for an escort for Lady Chunhua, take her to where she is suppose to be. Should she want to see her Master Teacher, she must follow protocol and send her invitation to him. Should he accept, then escort her to him. At the moment, Master Teacher Tsuyoi and I are busy, we are not through talking. Lady Chunhua must wait until we are through before seeing Master Teacher Tsuyoi." Siri ordered.

As quickly as Siri stopped talking, her orders were put forth with swiftness. But with Lady Chunhua's unladylike behavior, she had two guards on both sides of her carry her off and out of the royal courtyard.

"Jonas." Siri said as she watched the scene unfold in front of her.

"Yes, my Queen." Jonas said as he bent down to one knee and bowed to her.

"This courtyard is the King's and Queen's personal courtyard, do not just let any wild animal inside." Siri told him. "Those at the door should be punished for their lack of judgement. See to it that everyone understands their job."

"Yes, my Queen." Jonas said as he stood up.

Siri went back inside Cosmos House to check in on Master Teacher Tsuyoi, while the guards who let Lady Chunhua in were going to be punished by military law. Which was 50 lashes and a downgrade in merit, meaning less pay and relocation.

"You handled that well." Tsuyoi said from behind the screen where he was getting dressed.

"You do not mind me teaching your disciple a lesson?" Siri asked.

"You are Queen. Your words are law. The royal palace has rules for a reason. I see no harm or wrongdoing on your part. Besides, I know my disciples very well." Tsuyoi said. "Chunhua has been spoiled ever since she was young, I admit even I spoil her, however her family does it to the point that they never say no to her. I wished my teachings would make her understand and change her ways and yet even after so many years, she is still the same way. You must forgive this Master Teacher for failing."

Tsuyoi bowed when asking for forgiveness.

"Let me guess, she only listens to you and Ryu." Siri asked.

"Yes, your Highness. I have failed her in this area." He admitted.

"This is not the first nor the second time she has slighted me. I am only tolerant for only so long." Siri warned him. "Should she keep pushing me, Elder would not like my final judgement. You still have time to guide her on the right direction."

"This Elder understands." Tsuyoi said as he bowed again towards Siri.

Although all Master Teachers were protective of their disciples and would do everything to take revenge on their disciples. He was stuck at a rock and a hard place. Siri's husband is Ryu, his disciple and King to Yukah Kingdom. Siri is Queen and Ryu's life savior two times over. He was grateful towards her knowledge and assistance at curing him. And now, she would be his life's savior. How could he take revenge on his disciple's Wife, Queen to a Kingdom, and his life's savior? It would be suicide. A disgrace on his own name and legacy.

Siri was magnanimous to be giving Chunhua so many chances to change her ways. Even now, telling Tsuyoi that he still has time to guide her means she's giving him a chance to teach her and make her see the light before Siri's patience disappears. The end result would not be to his liking should he fail.

"Should we play chess?" Tsuyoi said to cheer Siri up and change the subject. The thick air between them was heavy on his heart. He had grown to like the young Queen and cherish their time together.

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