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Siri was on a mission after Ryu confessed why he wanted to be King.  If he wanted to make this world a better place, she would do everything in her power to help him.  At the moment, Ryu's "Useless Prince" nickname died down and his new nicknames gave him good yet hilarious reputation.  Siri wanted to build it up more.

Siri talked with Steward Mo and was able to obtain a building closer to the poorer side of the city.  They were able to renovate the place into her ideal hospital that was able to hold 20 patients.   With Steward Mo's help, they were able to hire 3 doctors, two of them were well renowned royal doctors that were retired and the third doctor was a young man who was great at his job, but didn't have any connections to make a name for himself.  

The two older men, Joshua Mendez, 55 and Jorah Newert, 56. Retired from the Royal Doctor Association, to spend more time with their family, now they were older.  However a couple of years into their retirement, they found out how the life of retirement didn't suit them at all.  When Steward Mo approached the two old men, they were sitting together playing chess and drinking tea at the Shinning Pearl Teahouse.  They have seen Steward Mo before and gave him a warm welcoming when Steward Mo came up to them.  When Steward Mo told them about Princess Siri's philanthropic ideas and plans, the two Doctors agreed right away.  

They would be paid for their services, but seeing how they are there to help the poor, they only asked for a fraction of what they would normally charge.  They would only work three days a week, so they're retirement wouldn't be so bored for them.  They were excited at the idea of working again and recommended a young doctor that they knew.  

The young man in question was only 25 years old, with average height, long blonde wavy hair that reached his shoulders.  His eyes were the color of lavender and his face was chisel with high cheekbones, long straight nose, deep set eyes and a jawline that was prominent.  Any women who looked upon his face would fall immediately in love with him.  

But with his humble beginnings and struggles to become a doctor, he didn't let all the fawning and special attention he got, into his head.  He stayed humble, unwilling to move up in life by stepping on others or bringing others down so he could look better.  His parents taught him better, so he believed that with hard work and dedication, he would make enough in life to be comfortable.  

When he graduated as a doctor, his family was so happy for him.  But the true reality hit him when he was rejected when he applied for the Royal Doctor Association.  Even with his superior skills and grades, because he didn't have any connections inside the Association, is application was denied.  

He was a struggling and wandering Doctor since the age of 21 and happened to stumble upon two retire doctors on one of his travels.  Ever since then, they kept in contact and have built a good rapport with each other.  When they told him that Princess Siri was looking for a full time Doctor to run her free hospital for the poor, he was immediately excited and told the two Doctors he would be honored in the Princess would consider him for the position.  

Not only would he be doing what he loved, he would be helping the people in need and be paid for it, not by the patients, but by the Princess herself.  

When the three of them were picked up from Jorah's home to go to the new hospital, the three of them were excited.  They chatted happily while they rode Ryu's carriage.  

"It's a great honor to be picked up in his Highness's carriage."  Jorah said as his hand rubbed the cloth over the seat, feeling the fabric.  

"Em."  Joshua said as he touched the curtains.  "What Princess Siri is doing is an honorable thing to do."  

"I hear not only is she honorable and graceful, but she's giving, beautiful and talented."  Jorah said.  

The two old men chatted away about the royal couple as Chung Hee kept to himself.  Although he stayed humbled and down to his roots, he kept his opinion about the Prince and Princess to himself.  He didn't like to listen to rumors and didn't believe in them.  It was with his own experience that he would then make an opinion on them.  

When they stopped at the freshly painted and newly renovated hospital, they were surprised by how many guards in black stood out front.  If not for Steward Mo who saw them appear, the guards would not have let the three doctors inside.  

"Doctors!"  Steward Mo said as he came out of the hospital to welcome them.  "You've arrived.  Come.  Come.  I'll give you a tour of the place and introduce to you to the Princess."  

"Princess!"  Joshua and Jorah both said at the same time.  Had they known that they would meet the Princess, they would have dressed up nicer to meet her for the first time.  

"Yes and we shouldn't keep her waiting."  Steward Mo said as he lead them inside.  But before they could go inside, the three of them were searched by the guards that stopped them from going inside.  

"Sorry for the disturbance."  Steward Mo said as he scratched the back of his head.  "Orders, from Prince Ryu."  

"Of course, of course, we understand."  Joshua said quickly forgiving them.  At first he was offended, but after hearing how favored the Princess was to Prince Ryu, it was understanding that he would treat her safety with such care.  

When they entered there was a desk and an large seating area with twenty seats.  There was a side room with toys, for children to play around in. 

There were four large examining stations, with white curtains dividing the large room.  Each examining station had a desk, a cabinet, an examining table, and a table and four chairs.  Each station was stocked up with everything that they needed to patch up a wound.  Behind the examining sations was a big room with twenty beds that had curtains used as dividers.  Each bed had one nightstand and two chairs for families.  To the right, was a room that had one desk and was filled with medicinal pills, elixirs, ointments and medicinal plants.  All the way to the back was two bathrooms, one for women and the other for men.

"Wow."  Joshua said as the tour ended.  "I had not fathomed how amazing this hospital could be."  

"Thank you, it was all planned by me." Siri said as she finally came downstairs.  

The three men were cut off guard when they quickly turned around to meet the soft and mysterious voice behind them.  What they saw, completely astonished them.   

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