Hard Work

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For the next week, Ryu worked hard on the new exercises Siri developed for him. Liam, Petra, and Ethan all took turns going through the exercise with him, pushing him to the extreme. Now that his body was at a Heavenly Dragon Marital Stage, they knew they could push him mentally and physically to the extreme.

Siri came in everyday to check on his progress and if she made any changes to his exercise routine, the three of his guards would automatically apply the changes. Her words were golden. Whatever she said, they went along with.

Everyday after the check up, Siri would stay for an hour and chat with Ryu. Mostly it was about how she could help him grow his reputation as a loving husband. She suggested plans on how they could achieve this. With trips to teahouses and restaurants. Trips to jewelry and clothing shops. Trips to the lake and the waterfalls.

"You see, husband. I have no idea how the outside world is. I've never stepped out from my rooms as a maiden and as your wife, I have always been confined to my courtyard. I would very much like to take a look outside and see how others live. How the lives of others than the nobility and royalty live." Siri told him. "When you take me to these places, I'll dress up prettily just for you, so you won't lose any face. Then everyone can see how well you treat me and they would say we are a loving couple. A match made in Heaven. I mean, just look at my face."

Siri pointed at her face. "Look at it! Its made to be worshiped on and admire from afar. They would say how lucky you are to married such a beautiful woman and I, the most gifted woman in the four womanly arts have won your favor. You will be a loving and doting husband, while I am your prize possession, standing by your side."

Siri smiled brightly at him and continued. "You'll be the envy of all the men, with me by your side."

Ryu scoffed at her and laughed out loud. Her audacity to spew such nonsense about herself was entertaining.

"When I'm completely healed, where do you suppose we should go first?" He asked her.

"I don't know. I've never been further outside my father's estate before and never been further outside your courtyard before. So you choose! Surprise me!" She said excitedly.

Ryu tsked at her, but it was with a smile on his face. "Very well! Since wife has such great courage to brag about herself to husband. Husband shall take care of everything and surprise wife."

"It's a deal. A promise! You can't take it back!" Siri said even more excitedly as she stood up from her seat and knelt in front of him. Siri took two of her fingers and felt his pulse. "The worst is over, husband. And you did a great job at enduring all the pain. If I could, I would have taken all the pain away, even a small amount of pain, if it meant that you wouldn't have to endure that much pain by yourself. But with the little skills I do have, it was all I could do. Now, I'll be giving your guards the second book of exercise. The training would be harder, but you'll be walking again very soon. A week at the most."

Ryu was too trained on Siri's eyes as they shined and glowed with life. Her eyes could captivate anyone and it caught him.

"Em." Ryu acknowledged.

"Prepare my gift well." Siri warned him as she stood up to leave. "I'm already your life's savior, when you're able to walk again, I'll be your life's savior a second time. The gift you prepare for me should equal the good work I've done. Tonight when you go to bed, thank your lucky stars and all the Gods, you were able to marry me as your wife!"

Siri laughed as she left. She was bragging too much and had to leave before she pushed him too far. When she left Ryu's room, it was quiet for a long time before he spoke.

"Wife, you did not disappoint this husband. If I thank all my lucky stars and all the Gods, I wouldn't be able to let you go in 7 months."

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