Wedding (3)

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Crown Prince Morgan's table was full of people walking up to it and raising a cup in toasting him and his new marriage.  But no matter how busy it got in front of him, his eyes always wandered towards his Imperial Aunt.  Today, on his wedding day, she looked enchanting to him.  His heart twisted in regret as he saw how easily she smiled, how her eyes shined in delight when she was happy, how beautiful she looked in her clothing.  How Queenly and elegant her demeanor was.  She could have been his, if not for the rumors that were spread about her.  She would have been the person he would be marrying that day, instead of her sister, Yelona.  

No matter how much he thought back to those days when he first heard those rumors, he could never find out who was the one who spread those rumors in the first place.  Yelona was too innocent and too naive to be the one who did it.  And at the time he was too blinded by Yelona's innocence and naivete charm.  

With every toast that was given and every wine he drank down, he imagined it was Siri that he was marrying and not her sister, Yelona.  It was the only way to get through his wedding with Yelona.  He no longer craved Yelona like he use to, after seeing Siri and her talents.  He no longer wished to marry Yelona or thought about her, after seeing Siri.  He went through with it because of Prime Minister Chen and his mother.  He knew that with Prime Minister Chen's connection and power within the government, he would have a better chance at claiming the throne.  More ministers will fall in line and follow Prime Minister Chen and will thus give him the majority of the support.  

When the gates opened and musicians started playing along with the bride procession.  Everyone stared at the opulent bride procession.  With ever attendant, musician, and guard in red the red carriage stopped right before the stairs to the ceremonial hall.  The bride wore all red as she was helped down the carriage by her maid and when she walked up the stairs, her mother was by her side along with her sister, as the two of them 'helped' her up the stairs.  The all gold crown was bigger than her head as the all ruby curtain swayed side to side as she walked.  

Behind them were 200 chests of valuables that came as her dowery.  Prime Minister Chen was already inside the ceremonial hall to ensure everything went according to plan.  Everyone watched as Yelona walked the long ceremonial hall and stopped when they reached just before the dais where King Cai and Queen Yuna sat.  The Priest that was preforming the marriage ceremony stood just to the side and Crown Prince Morgan had been led to stand across from Yelona.  

As the ceremony began, Siri leaned in to whisper to Ryu.  Whatever she whispered to Ryu, he nodded his head and took her half empty drink away from her hand before drinking down the rest of the wine.  

Morgan saw their actions and he sneered.  Their public display of affection was sickening to him.  It was as if they were rubbing it all in everyone's face that Prince Ryu favored Princess Siri.  How could a beautiful woman ever love a useless Prince? Morgan sneered again as he followed through the ceremony as if he was just doing it to go through the motions and not really being sincere about it.  

After the ceremony, Yelona was led to the bride room, where she had to wait until the celebration was over.  Only after the groom had thanked everyone of coming to his wedding  and drinking a toast to him and his bride, was he allowed to go to his bride and consummate the marriage.  

One by one Prince Morgan worked the room, giving thanks to every table for attending and the table giving their toast to him.  One by one, he got more drunk which made the mask he wore of happiness wore off and showed his disharmony and unhappiness.  With every table toasting him, he became even more angry at himself and his bad fortune to be marrying Yelona when it should have been Siri in the first place.  

When he made it around the whole ceremonial hall, the last table he had to go to to was his Imperial Uncle and Imperial Aunt.  The last two people he wanted to see at the moment.  It would just make his jealous heart, envy them more.  

When he stopped in front of their table, Morgan signaled for the wine to be poured, and when three cups of wine was poured it was Ryu who spoke.  

"Congratulations, Imperial Nephew on your marriage.  May your marriage be ever abundantly happy as my marriage is to Princess Siri. Your Imperial Uncle wishes you the best, in your marriage to Princess Yelona. Cheers."  Ryu said as he raised up the cup to Morgan.  Morgan took the cup in front of him and drank it down in one gulp while staring longingly at Siri.  

Siri took a sip of the wine in Ryu's hand first before he drank the rest of the contents down himself.  

Morgan grimly looked at the over happy couple and turned away.  He knew he was already causing a small scene that his mother would have words with him tomorrow, so he left before he could cause another scene.  

When he left, he left his servants behind, not wanting them to follow him as he walked into the garden to drink alone.  He wanted to drink in misery as he sold his happiness to become King.  He would drink to Siri's face and manners.  He would remember her elegance.  And when he fucked his wife that night, he would imagine it was Siri instead of Yelona.  It was the only way for him to feel better about himself.  So he went away to drink by himself so he could forget.  

It was then that Luna came by Siri and Ryu's table.  Her dress was too tight as her shapely breasts was pushed up and out to let the whole world see how abundant they were.  It was cut low, so everyone could see how smooth and milky her skin was so it could drive the men crazy with just one look at her.  

"Imperial Brother-in-law."  Luna said as she poured wine into the cup that was just left by Morgan.  "Please accept this toast, as we now closer related."  

Luna poured wine into the second cup of wine then handed it to Ryu.  Siri brought out a fan and hid her smile behind it.  She couldn't help it.  Her sister was trying too hard to win Ryu's favor and with her sister's thick skin, she would be thinking that she was doing a great job.  

Ryu could hear Siri snicker behind her fan, trying to hold back her laughter.  Without a word, Ryu drank the whole content of the wine then turned to his wife and pulled her to him.  His lips caught Siri's lips in a surprise and pushed half of the wine into her mouth.  Siri swallowed the wine and let Ryu kiss her in front of everyone, not caring for anyone's objection or feelings.  

When he pulled away, he stared at his lovely wife as a nice pink shade of embarrassment came over her cheeks.  Ryu smirked at his wife before promptly ignoring Luna.  

Siri had to fan herself, to cool down her passion that Ryu could light in seconds.  That shameless husband of hers was at it again.  If he wanted to embarrass her, then she'll make him a living legend.  

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