Wedding (4)

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Luna stomped her feet in anger as she watched Prince Ryu kiss Siri in front of her. How dare they ignore her! Does Prince Ryu not notice her large breasts that attracted men wherever she went? Why is it that she can attract every man, except Ryu, the one man she wanted attention from.

"Older sister," Siri said as she fanned herself. "Thank you for coming over and drinking to our closer union between families. Now that you are here, let us go take a walk around and have a chat with other noble families and thank them for coming to celebrate this wonderful occasion."

Siri got up and took Luna's arm before Luna could deny her. Siri took the lead and led Luna across the hall to talk to the ladies she recently made a connection with at Prince Ronin's birthday party. After greeting each other, Siri soon suggestively told the group of women how her husband's prowess in bed. His mastery in the bedroom had left her in the bed for days on end thinking about their time together.

Soon all the women could only talk about was Ryu's capability in the bedroom as they all stared, whispered, and giggled while stealing glances at the dark Prince. The once Useless Prince became the Competent Prince.

The whole time, Siri could see Ryu's demeanor turn more sour and dark by the minute. With each look, each smile, each giggle and whispers the ladies threw Ryu's way, his face and mood became more menacing. Siri was delighted on the inside. She got great enjoyment from teasing Ryu and he let her get away with it. How could she hold back?

Along the way, Siri made toasts to each of the women there. Flattering them and complementing them. As the women drank down the wine that was offered to them, Siri would hook her arm around Luna, not letting her go anywhere the whole time. When it was their time to drink to the toast, Siri would tell them she was a light drinker and her husband, Prince Ryu, did not allow her to drink anymore that night, thus putting Luna in an awkward position.

If she did not drink the wine that was offered, she would offend the other person. If she argued with Siri about not drinking the wine, she would go against Prince Ryu's orders. Unable to get out of the situation, Luna had to drink not only her wine that was offered as a toast, but also Siri's wine as well.

By the time they reached end of the hall, Luna was quite drunk, so Siri called over Luna's maid and told her maid to bring her to a safe place to rest. The only option in the palace was the room next to the bridal chamber. Luna would be safe because she was next door to her sister so no foul play would happen to Luna should she sleep off her drunken state.

After confirming with Siena, the maid took Luna to the room and tucked her into bed. Siri made her way to her husband, but before she sat down she whispered some words to her maid, Meada. Meada nodded her head in understanding then she quickly and quietly left after 15 minutes. When she left, no one noticed her lack of presence as the celebration continued. Not even Ryu or his guards noticed. Only Gilldy and the two Nurses noticed her missing. When Meada came back she stepped forward and whispered a couple of words to Siri and Siri nodded in understanding. Ryu caught sight of this, but he didn't say anything.

All he knew was Siri told him that he would enjoy tonight's performance by her sister and the Crown Prince. What it was he didn't know, but what he did know was that this performance will make the King look down upon his first son and make the ministers and generals that support him think twice about supporting him. It would be then up to him to convince those ministers and generals to secretly support him instead.

After a while, Prince Bai and Prince Changming gathered the crowd to walk the groom to the bridal chamber as the last task of the night. But the groom was nowhere to be seen or found.

"He must have been impatient and gone to the bridal chamber already!" Someone shouted from the crowd. As the men laughed and the women giggled, the two Prince Brothers lead the way as the crowd cheered and laughed. But before they could reach the bridal chamber, they heard loud moans and grunts coming from the room next door. The sound was clearly the sound between a man and a woman.

The two Prince looked at each other and made a decision to open the door to see which young noble sneaked away to have intercourse with a maid or another young mistress or lady. However upon opening the door widely so everyone could see, they were surprised at what they saw.

In plain view of everyone, the Crown Prince was in the throes of passion as he had bent the young lady over the table and fucked her from behind. But what surprised them even more was that the young lady in question was not his Princess Consort Yelona, but her sister Luna instead.

The ladies screamed out in horror as they kept watching the scene before them as the men snickered at him. It wasn't until Siena and Prime Minister Chen pushed through the crowd with their servants and stopped the scene. Prime Minister Chen pulled Morgan off of his daughter as Siena covered her up.

The evidence that Morgan took Luna's virginity and their union was all over her legs as Siena quickly covered Luna's legs with a blanket.

"Mother?" Luna said as she drunkenly smiled at her. "I've finally did it. I seduced the Prince of my heart and he took my virginity. I did it! He'll have to marry me now and make me his concubine."

Siena slapped Luna so she would shut up, but it was too late. The whole crowd heard her admitting to wanting to steal away her sister's husband and becoming his concubine. There was no refuting it, there were too many people there as witnesses.

Queen Yuna had made her way to the front of the crowd just when Luna said the words that came from her heart. A disgusted sneer came over her face as she stared at Luna then at her son. It wasn't enough that she had to settle with a concubines's daughter as the Princess Consort to her son, due to the support Prime Minister Chen has. But to have Morgan's concubine to come from the very same family was of no help to her or Morgan to win the throne.

Her lustful son made her lose face and she was not happy about it. But what surprise everyone the most was when Yelona screamed as she rushed through the crowd and saw the scene before her. It was evident what happened as Yelona screamed again in hot anger.

She came into the room and slapped her sister in the face, causing her sister's face to bloom red and swell.

"You bitch! You dumb bitch! How dare you do this to me! On my wedding day!" Yelona said as she started to beat Luna up. Siena signaled for her maids to pull Yelona off of Luna and soon they were able to pull the two fighting sister's apart as Yelona screamed and cried and shouted until her voice was hoarse.

All this time, the Crown Prince has turned around on the ground and fallen asleep after he released his cum inside Luna. He slept as if nothing out of the ordinary was happening around him. As if he had nothing to do with the cause of the situation and no worries in the world.

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