To Entice A Dragon (2)

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The celebration continued into the night, everyone easily forgetting about the dancer who tried to raise her status by enticing the King. Even though she didn't succeed. Didn't mean that other daughters of nobility couldn't succeed. Everyone has heard of the love that the King has for his Queen. Everyone acknowledges that she will always have a place in his heart, but if they could occupy a small section of his heart, they and their families would be forever set for life.

Their Queen, although virtuous, talented, giving and beautiful, has not have any word of a child since they got married. A year and no words meant that it was hard for her to have children. If they could become King Ryu's concubine and get pregnant from that union, their status will be placed above the Queen as they would be the first one to have the first dragon baby.

Several of the daughters who was courageous enough to come back up to give toast to Queen Siri, came up and raised a cup of wine in her honor. They complemented her on her beauty and grace. Her style and talent. Her giving nature and virtue.

Words that sounded beautiful and elegant were empty in sincerity. After Siri's short but polite words of thanks the daughters went back to their seat and pouted. Their intentions to attract King Ryu's attention went nowhere. He didn't even look their way. His cold mask never wavered.

"See anyone you like?" Siri asked him jokingly.

"I'm staring at her right now." Ryu said as he looked into her silver eyes.

It lit up with light and she smiled, a pink tint lit up her cheeks. Her husband was too smooth with comeback lines.

"I promised you I would make you my one and only Queen. I promised you that you can only have my smiles and laughter. And I promised you that I would never do anything to make you cry." He said to her as he smiled gently to her. His hand came up to caress her pink cheek. "I'm a man of my word. I mean to keep those promises."

"Ryu..." She whispered.

"I promise to love you and only you." He told her. "I promise to cherish you. I promise to honor you. I promise to protect you. I promise to be your friend. I promise to make you laugh. I promise to never make your feelings waver. I promise to let you tease me and never get mad at you. I promise to never raise a hand against you. I promise to----"

"I get it." Siri quickly said interrupting him as she smiled brightly at him. Her hand comes up to hold his wrist. "Only I can have all your promises. Thank you for this gift, my King."

"Happy?" He asked her.

"Em." She replied.

"Having fun?"

"If my King is having fun, then this Queen is having fun." She told him. Their words echoing each other again.

"I can think of many other ways that this King can have fun." Ryu said as he raised his eyebrow as her in a suggestive way.

Siri couldn't help herself, her tongue darted out and licked her dry lips and bit down on her bottom lip before replying. "Do you dare?"

Ryu smiled brightly at her. "This King dares very much!"

Ryu quickly thanks everyone for coming to the celebration. He then leaves with Siri with his hand holding hers as he practically drags her out of the ceremonial hall. When they reach outside, he scoops her into his arms and flies towards their private courtyard.

What they didn't know, was that everyone saw the interactions that the King had with his Queen. Only their Queen could make their King break away from his cold demeanor. Only the Queen could make him smile. Only the Queen could attract his attention.

With their small interaction, more than half of the men and women decided not to tie their families to the royal house. It would be more meaningful that their daughters were married to men who would treat them like the King treats their Queen. While in others, it made them more determined to think that the King would treat them that same way should they find a way into his bedchambers.

Everyone quickly left after the royal couple left. There was no need to stay any longer.

Inside Ryu and Siri's chambers, they slowly took off each other's hair ornaments and jewelry. Then they slowly undressed each other in the dim candle lighting that made their skins glow gold.

Ryu scoops up her naked body and brings her to the bed they share. Laying her down gently, still afraid that she'll break if he was too rough with her. For the past two and a half months, their bedroom play has only been light. He would only use his fingers and his mouth on her, afraid that if he did more, she'll break. And he would only let her use her hand or her mouth to give him release. He didn't want her to gamble on her health should the Spirit of Coldness attack her health again.

Tonight would be the first night since the Spring Hunt that they would be making love. The first night in four and a half months that he would make her scream his name over and over again. He did promise her that he'll make her climax no less than six times tonight.

Their kiss was soft at first, light and teasing. But her hips were greedy. It wanted to feel the semi-hard penis rub against her clitoris. He growled at her before making his way down her neck then her breast. Kissing every surface of her skin. His burning hot kisses warmed up her cold body. His large hands cupped her breast and flicked her nipple into pointy peaks. When his lips descended on her nipples and sucked, Siri moaned loudly as the warmth of his mouth sent a electrifying zap straight to her wet and hot vagina.

"Ryu." She pleaded as her hips began to move so it could rub up against his penis.

He leaned his lower half on to of her so it would pin her down, so she couldn't move. He took his time with her breasts, making her cry out even more before making a trail of kisses down her stomach to the valley between her legs.

He then took his time to kiss the area around her pussy lips, purposefully teasing her and making her frustrated. But the reward was ever so pleasurable because the moment his lips sucked on her clitoris, she came. And when she came, his fingers plunged themselves into her wet vagina. He didn't even give her a chance to breath as another wave of pleasure came over her. His fast fingers and quick tongue made her body shudder again. Her climax came, wave after wave, making her body shake, her voice hoarse from screaming his name, and her body felt tense yet relaxed at the same time. Sweat dripped from her temples as she swallowed her salvia.

"If I'm counting correctly, that was only four." Siri teased him as he came up to kiss her.

"Em." Ryu said as he broke off the kiss to stare at her. "This King was just getting started. Prepare yourself, this King is hungry for you."

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