Smoke and Shield (3)

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From every corner there seemed to be a rush of assassins coming toward the guests.  Some of women screamed while others fought of the assassins.  The men pushed their way towards their wives and children, as they fought.  Gilldy, Meada and Nurse Nancy fought to protect their Mistress, while Petra fought to protect Concubine Nina and Prince Ronin, knowing that Prince Ryu could handle himself. 

Although he was in a wheelchair and lost feeling to his legs, it did not mean he forgot is fighting techniques.  Within minutes, the assassins were quickly subdued due to the quick actions of the royal guards, however from the shadows a dagger was thrown at Prince Ronin.  Screaming, Concubine Nina covered the child with her body, but to her surprise she didn't feel the pain of the dagger hit her.  She opened her eyes and saw that Prince Ryu had covered his body over her, blocking the dagger from hitting her. 

Her heart rejoiced and hurt at the same time when their eyes finally met for the first time in ten years.  Her eyes trembled at his quick decision to save her and her son.  It must mean that he still loves her.  To save her with his body.  To take a dagger for her. 

Ryu saw Nina's emotions run through her eyes as if they were childhood first loves again.  He knew how she felt about him, however she was now his brother's woman.  Whatever relationship they had in the past, was just a memory.  When he saw the dagger come towards Ronin and saw that Nina jumped in the way so the dagger would hit her, his body reacted before he could realize what he did. 

His body covered over the mother and child so they would be safe from danger.  But what was peculiar was that he didn't feel the dagger hit him.  Did Petra jump to save him?  Ryu turned his head left to see who took the hit from the dagger and saw silver hair blow into his face. 

His heart stopped as he saw another strand of silver hair with red stains of blood.  How could this be?  It wasn't Petra who jumped to save him, but his wife. 

"Husband."  Siri whispered before she let the darkness consume her.  "I'm going to have to borrow your shoulder and back for a while."

Siri's body fainted on top of his back.  Her whole body's weight laid on him and he froze.  He had finally found a petal of the Moonlight Silence and had been so happy that he could now walk again once Siri made the antidote to cure the poison inside of him.  He would walk again and make his brother pay for poisoning him.  However it never crossed his mind that his wife would risk getting killed to save him.  Foolish girl!  Foolish wife!  Her courage was too great for her own good. 

Now that he was so close to getting what he wanted, he didn't think to protect the one person who could help him and cure him.  Foolish!  He had become foolish in the presence of the woman he use to love.  Instead of protecting the woman that could give him a future, he protected the woman that was his past.  A woman that could prevent his future. 

Ryu reaches around to pull Siri's limp body over his legs.  He sits her up so she is sitting sideways on his lap as he lays her limp body on his chest.  His white coat was now dirtied by her blood as the dagger sticks out of her back. 

"Nurse Nancy go get an Imperial Doctor now!"  Ryu shouted as he touches Siri's face. 

Ice cold. Siri's skin is ice cold. Ryu quickly took his hand away from her face and brushes her hair away. 

"Petra take us to the nearest quarters."  Ryu ordered.  "Send word for our guards as well."

Petra pushes Ryu and Siri away from the scene.  Not caring what happens to Concubine Nina.  Nina stands up, holding her son to her side as she watches Ryu take Siri away to get treated.  Her heart tightens as a wave a jealousy overcomes her, but she smiles as her plan to kill Siri worked flawlessly.  She was gambling on Siri jumping to save Ronin, when she did, the dagger would hit her instead.  What she didn't plan on was Ryu jumping to save her and her son. He must still have feelings for her!  Feelings he buried and denied!  She was right to give her body to the King, but keep her love for Ryu. 

"Lets go."  Nina said as she pulled her son towards their courtyard.  "Lets get to safety.  Your King Father would worry if he can't find us." 

As Nina walks away to her courtyard with her son, Ryu can't stop touching his wife.  His hand keeps pushing her silky, smooth hair away from her face.  His fingers thread over her hair with each stroke.  His arm wraps itself around her tiny waist, as if he could give her all his body heat so she would warm up.  Even if it's just a little, he needs her body to warm up so she wouldn't die.  He kept caressing her cheeks so he could see how beautiful it can glow red in embarrassment again.  As if he could rub his life back into her skin to make it come alive again. 

Siri's shallow breathing worried him the most. 

"Foolish girl.  When we agreed you'll be my smoke and shield.  I didn't really mean for you to be my shield!"  Ryu whispered desperately to her hoping she could hear him. He squeezed her tighter to his body, hoping she'll cough or give off some sign that she was alive.  "You're never to become my smoke and shield ever again, you hear me? You're never to wear your hair down in front of other men.  You're never to let any man hear you play any of your instruments ever again.  You're never to let anyone see your paintings.  You're never to let anyone see your smile or hear your laughter.  You're never to let anyone touch you or hold your hand.  You're never to let anyone know just how amazing you are. Do you hear me?  Do you hear me Siri?  As your Prince and your Husband, I command you to stay with me and not leave me. You still haven't fulfilled your side of the promise yet.  You haven't cured me yet.  You haven't help me gain the support I need yet.  You haven't made my reputation grow yet.  You haven't cleared my name of a wife killer yet.  If you died, what would you think others would say about me? Huh? You still have 8 months left in our agreement.  So you can't leave me.  Not yet... Not yet."

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