Mia's Funeral

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In the end, Chunhua did not apologize.  She thought she was doing the right thing for Ryu.  She refused to apologize to Minister Bovi because she didn't feel guilty or sorry. 

"Who told that mousy, nosy bitch to interfere?  If it wasn't for her, Ning would have succeeded!"  Chunhua shouted.  "Chunhua was doing the right thing!  Brother Ryu, how could Brother Ryu betray Chunhua?! It's because of that whore that Brother Ryu doesn't look at Chunhua!  It's because of that whore that Brother Ryu betrayed Chunhua!  It's because of that whore that Brother Ryu killed Disciple Sister Ning.  It's because of that whore that Brother Ryu killed Lorena and my Father!  What does she have that Chunhua does not have?  Why is it that Brother Ryu can do all these horrible things to Chunhua when Chunhua only did things to help Brother Ryu?

Ryu's rage within him exploded.  He held his anger back to get her to confess.  But now Chunhua has crossed the line. She called his Siri a whore so many times, he couldn't contain his anger any longer.  A huge, thick pressure surrounded everyone, causing them to all kneel.  Even the shadow guards knelt.  Some of the  weaker Ministers and Generals weren't able to withstand the attack and began to bleed from their nose and the corner of their mouths began to trickle down blood. 

"If it weren't the fact that your blood would wash away Lady Mia's sorrow, this King would have taken your life right this moment."  Ryu's cold tone made everyone shiver in fear.  Only a handful has seen Ryu actually fight, so they didn't know how ruthless he could be.  To be faced with such a cold pressure, was a rude awakening of how strong their new King truly is.  No wonder there were a lot of Generals who sided with him and not the other Princes.  "This King has never held you in this King's heart.  You were always this King's disciple sister and nothing more.  This King never made you any promises, never smiled at you, never laughed along with you, never gave you a gift.  What makes you think that this King wants to be with you when this King loves Queen Siri more that life itself?" 

"Lies!  Lies! Lies!  She's making you say that!  She changed Brother Ryu!  She did something to Brother Ryu to make Brother Ryu be so mean to Chunhua!" 

Ryu was about to go on a tirade when Siri's hand comes up and holds on to Ryu's arm, silencing him. 

"No matter what you say to her.  She won't believe you.  She'll only believe what's in her mind and in her heart.  You'll just be wasting your breath." Siri told him.  "Let them go, they have done nothing wrong."

Ryu looked at his strong and calm Queen as he took a breath to relax his state of mind.  And in moments, the cold, heavy pressure disappeared. 

"Call the Royal Doctors to check on those that have been injured."  Siri ordered.  "Bring Lady Chunhua into prison.  Make sure she's heavily guarded and that she doesn't have anything on her body that would help her escape.  Lady Chunhua has a blood debt to pay to my Concubine Sister Mia of the First Rank." 

Siri's orders were quickly completed as the guards pulled Chunhua up to stand. 

"You whore!  You're nothing but a lying whore!" Chunhua kept spewing out. 

Ryu couldn't hold his anger inside of him any longer.  In a blink of an eye, he was no longer sitting on his throne.  He was in front of Chunhua and with one hand, he had his hand around her neck as he raises her entire body off the floor. 

"Speak such disgusting words about my Queen again, and I'll make sure you regret meeting me."  Ryu told her. 

Chunhua's tears fell as she couldn't do anything but swing her legs.  Her pleading eyes stared down to his dark abyss onyx eyes and for the first time she saw hate.  He hated her.  Her Brother Ryu hated her.  Right before the black and white spots began to appear before her eyes, Ryu lets her go as she drops down to the ground.  Chunhua coughs and gasps for air as she cries harder. 

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