Attack (2)

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What could she do, but hide with the Prince on top of her acting as a human shield for her?  She didn't know any martial arts, she didn't even know how to throw a proper punch!  The only way to survive her current situation was to let the heavy man lay on top of her and to protect her. 

As soon as this thought ran through her mind, Ryu sat up and pulled himself on to his wheelchair.  "Stay here."  He ordered her as he wheeled himself into the fight. 

Siri looked through the desk's legs to see that there were several dead bodies laying on her floor.  The fighting men were slowly ruining her room with their swords and she was just glad that she had not decorated her room yet.  All she had pulled out from her belongings that she brought with her were her clothes and her painting set. 

She watched as more assassins flowed through her bedroom door then suddenly a shadow fell on her.  As she sat up and tried to run away from the shadow, she was grabbed from behind and the blade of the sword was brought to her neck. 

"I have your wife, Prince Ryu.  Surrender now or she dies!"  The man who held her captive shouted as he brought his back to the wall so no one could attack him from behind.  Siri stayed still as the fighting continued as if no one heard her captor threaten her life. 

"I told you to stop fighting!"  He shouted louder.  "I have your Princess!  Stop or I'll kill her !" 

Ryu looked over at her and the man who held her and then he looked away again to the man he was fighting with.  His eyes brushed over her as if she was insignificant and unworthy to be bothered with.  Siri's laughed cynically, why did she even think or have some kind of a hope that he would stop fighting to save her? Her heart tightened with the reality and knew that she didn't measure up to the importance of a single soldier in his household.  He wouldn't save her.  He would rather save himself first, his men second, his servants third, before ever lifting a hand to help her. 

She couldn't rely on anyone except herself.  Siri's hand with the dagger she carried with her came down and the dagger slid out to the palm of her hand. 

"I just married Prince Ryu against his will.  What makes you think I'm of any value to him?"  She asked the man who held her captive.  "Do you not see the state of my courtyard?  How shabby it is?  How far it is away from his courtyard?  What makes you think taking my life would cause him to stop fighting and surrender?" 

"Shut up you bitch!"  The man shouted as he tried thinking of a way out of his situation.  He did make a mistake in taking her hostage.  Prince Ryu obviously didn't value her enough to save her life.  If she wasn't of value to Prince Ryu, then she was just trash to him.  Upon deciding to kill her, he suddenly felt a cold steel penetrate his arm that held on to his sword.  He dropped the sword and as the sword dropped, the sharp sword was still able to cut Siri's neck.  Even though it was a light cut, Siri's anger raged and she forgot her fear and her disappointment.

A red rage filled her as she took the dagger to the man who still held her around her waist.  Twisting herself around, she was able to slam her dagger into his shoulder as he cried out.  He let her go immediately when he pushed her back, she stumbled backwards and fell.  She landed on her butt and on to the ground with a thump.  As soon as she fell, a shadow guard appeared out of nowhere again to kill the man who once held a sword to her neck. 

As soon as the shadow guard appeared, he disappeared.  Siri moved out of the way from the fight inside her room and tried to find a hiding spot.  She could only hide in the corner to be out of the assassins and the body guards way.  Her legs were shaking so hard that they buckled.  She slid down the corner wall, down to the ground and watched as her room became wrecked.

She wasn't able to see the killings of humans in front of her anymore so instead she curled up and hid her face inside the crook of her arm as they rest on top of her bent knees.  She hummed a tune to try to drown out the sound of a sword going through flesh, the cries for help, and the shouts for death.  She never seen someone kill another person in front of her before and it stunned her to the core. 

She has seen her fair share of dead bodies in her past life, being an emergency room doctor.  However seeing someone killing another person intentionally was something she hadn't prepared herself to see.  The gory scene in front of her made her shiver in fear.  The splashing of the blood, the crunch of the bones getting broken, the cries for help overrode all her senses. She didn't even know that she had started rocking her body back and forth to comfort herself. 

A hand reached out and touched her shoulder, causing her to scream.  Her head lifted up to see her husband bending forward, towards her and it was his hands that pushed her back so she would sit up straight. 

He watched as fear ran through her eyes and her features before it being replaced by relief.  As quickly as relief came over her, her eyes flashed in anger at him.  What did he do to make her be so angry?  All he did was save her.  A thanks could have been said, but instead she was mad at him! 

"You're not dead."  Ryu said as he felt relieved that he would rather Siri be angry rather than a crying mess right now.  "What good luck you have, wife." 

"No thanks to you!"  She told him.  "If not for your guard, I would have been killed already and your legend of a wife killer would ring louder from Kingdom to Kingdom!"

"As if this Prince would let another person take whats mine?!"  He said to her. 

"I'm not yours."  She spat back.  "I'll never be yours."

His hand shoots out and holds her chin so she would stare directly into his face.  "You belong to me for a year, have you forgotten our deal?" 

Siri shook her head no, but when she did she grimace in pain.  The adrenaline had worn off and she could now feel the pain caused by the cut.  Ryu lifted her head back to expose her neck to him so he could see her wound on her milky skin. 

"You'll be alright."  Ryu told her.  "You'll live." 

"Yes. I will."  She confirmed with a renewed sense of determination.

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