Harvest Moon (4)

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Once inside their chambers, instead of going to their bedroom, they went into Siri's painting and music room.  Siri opened the balcony doors to let the Harvest Moonlight shine through.  Her maids came in to light a couple of candles before they are left them alone. 

There was already wine and snacks on the table as Ryu sat back on the cushion as listened as Siri play on the guzheng.  Times like this, made him remember just how precious she is to him.  And how precious time is for them. He has sent all his men looking for the Taiyo flower and so far they have found nothing.  He needs to spend more time with her, he reminded himself as he poured the wine into the cup himself and drank the wine slowly as Siri played for him. 

The sweet sound lit up the quiet courtyard, every servant that was passing by stopped to hear the sweet song as it captured their attention.  Every guard, also stopped and looked up towards the second story window, hoping to get a glimpse of their Queen playing the guzheng.  They could only imagine how beautiful she looked, how graceful she played, how she could captivate anyone with one look. 

Suddenly a soft, clear and sweet voice started singing. 

You ask me how deep my love for you is,
How much I really love you...
My affection is real.
My love is real.
The moon represents my heart.

You ask me how deep my love for you is,
How much I really love you...
My affection does not waver,
My love will not change.
The moon represents my heart.

Just one soft kiss
is enough to move my heart.
A period of time when our affection was deep,
Has made me miss you until now.

You ask me how deep my love for you is,
How much I really love you.

Go think about it.
Go and have a look [at the moon],
The moon represents my heart.

Siri played the last note to the song and when she looked up at her husband, she could tell, that her song moved him deeply.  The song she sang was a favorite of hers in the modern world called "The Moon Represents My Heart".  Seeing how the Harvest Moon was out and the song directly relates to how she feels about Ryu, she thought it was fitting for such an occasion. 

What she didn't expect was Ryu frozen in his spot.  Two streaks of tears have fallen without him even noticing it.  Her song resonated so deep inside of him, that the last barrier that he had left inside of him, was torn down by his wife.  Layer by layer, she tore at the barrier that he built around his heart and mind.  And now there was nothing left but the red string tying him to her, forever.  He sat there, his heart bare for her, because of her and he didn't know what to do. 

Siri stood up and made her way to him.  She bent down to kiss the trail of wet tears before claiming his mouth with hers.  His frozen body moved to hold her to his body, engulfing her cold body to his warmth as he takes all the hairpins out of her hair and places them on the table so he could run his hands through her silky silver hair. 

A fire was lit inside of her and her hands quickly undid his clothes, pushing and pulling them off of him as her dress was practically ripped off of her body due to his impatience.  The need to feel her skin on him drove him wild.  Once they were naked, instead of continuing, he stands back and looks upon her body in the light. 

He slowly walks around the room, blowing out the candles until the only thing lighting up the room was the moonlight.  Siri stood naked, watching him as he made a whole circle around the room.  A soft wind blew and without Siri even knowing, yet she shivered.  Not because of the wind, but how Ryu stared at her. 

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