Engagement Party (5)

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"My dear daughter." Siena said as she stepped closer to their table, pretending to have affections towards Siri. "Prince Ryu. This mother-in-law would like to thank Prince Ryu for showing my daughter favor. This mother-in-law can now rest easy knowing how you are taking great care of my daughter."

"Second wife." Siri said calmly as Rose poured tea into an extra cup. Her two words drew attention to everyone close to them who could hear their conversation. Calling Concubine Siena, second wife, meant that Siri was not close to Siena. It also reminded everyone, especially Siena, that Siena was only a Concubine and not the legitimate wife of Prime Minister Frank Chen. "Thank you for coming to greet this Princess and this Princess's Prince Husband. You should not rest easy yet, for older sister Yelona and older sister Luna have not married yet. Only when they are both securely married, Second Wife could rest easy."

By saying this Siri is telling everyone that she didn't get along with Siena and her older sisters. She also reminded them that she was now a Princess and the royal Aunt to Crown Prince Morgan. She also reminded Siena that both of her daughters were not married yet. Siri was able to threaten Siena and Yelona with her one statement that although Yelona was engaged, it didn't mean that they were legally married yet. Many things could happen between now and the wedding day that could result in the engagement to be canceled. While Luna was still an unmarried woman. So until both of them were married, Siena should not take it easy and take care of her daughters and their reputation should something bad happen to cause them not to get married.

Siena's face became stuck as she took the teacup from Siri and brought it up to her face to drink.

"Brother-in-law!" Luna said as she said excitedly as she swayed side to side.

Her dress slowly swung along with her movents as her big breast swung along with her. Her larger than normal breast was Luna's best attributes. Men couldn't stop staring at them and flocked to her like bees to honey. She teased them with it by slightly brushing up against them with her breast, driving the men crazy with lust. She knew how to attract a man attention and keep it. And the moment she saw Prince Ryu, she knew he was the only man she'll ever love. She would use all of her abilities to become his first rank concubine. Then figure out a way to kill her sister, Siri. Like how her mother, Siena killed Siri's mother, Lily.

Luna wanted Prince Ryu even more, now she saw how he treated her sister Siri. How he took good care of her and let her eat every food item first before eating the rest. That was love and she wanted Prince Ryu to do the same to her. To treat her the same and look at her the same way he was treating and looking at Siri. If Luna could win Ryu's heart, then she too would be as happy as Siri and Ryu looked at the banquet.

Luna's lips pushed themselves out and pouted when Ryu didn't pay any attention to her. Ryu had stared at Siri to help him distract her sisters attention away from him, however she avoided his gaze and decided to drink her tea instead.

"Why have you not greeted mother and me?" Luna pouted. Her wafer like body and doll face made men want to protect her. However her large breast made men also lust after her. "Did sister say something false about me and has caused you to think badly of me? You must not believe her words. We have been nothing but loving and caring towards her. Isn't that right, sister?"

"Are you accusing this Princess of slandering your name?" Siri asked coldly. Anyone accusing the royal family of anything had to provide evidence of the crime. Should there be evidence that supports the claim, the royal family member would be dealt with according to the King's wishes. However if no evidence could be found, the person accusing the royal family of the crime would instead be punished. Siri's threat was clear to Siena, but not to Luna who just wanted to paint Siri in a bad light and herself in a good light in front of Prince Ryu.

"Younger sister, how could you be so mean?" Luna cried pitifully. These tactics always worked on men, she didn't expect Prince Ryu wouldn't fall for them. "I have been nothing but loving and caring towards you, how could you accuse me of slandering you when you have clearly slandered me to brother-in-law."

Siena pulled Luna towards her to make her shut up, but Luna didn't understand her mother's actions. She was on a mission to crush Siri and wanted to make Ryu pity her and reprimand Siri.

"You see brother-in-law doesn't even acknowledge me." She cried out loudly. "Younger sister must have said something about me to make him treat me this way."

Her shoulders shook in fake crying as her breast jiggled. She wiped the fake tears that fell down her face as she sniffled at her plight.

Ryu's cold mask did not move from Siri's face as his eyes narrowed at her. Siri had hid her smile that she couldn't hold back behind the teacup as she pretended to sip on the tea. She was enjoying herself too much at the expense of him! He wanted to wipe of that smile on her face as his blood boiled in anger. How dare she laugh at him! How dare she not help him deflect her sister's attention away from him!

"Are you sure this Prince's Wife slandered you or is it the other way around?" Prince Ryu said coldly. "Everyone has heard your allegations against this Prince's Wife as clear as day, in front of this Prince. Do you have the proof to your claims?"

Luna's smile stiffened as Siena pinched Luna's arm to shut her up. "Prince Ryu has misunderstand my daughter's words--"

"Are you saying this Prince does not know what this Prince has heard? Or that this Prince does not understand the words your daughter spoke accusing this Prince's wife of slander?" He interrupted her.

Siena bowed and forced Luna to bow as well. "Please for give us." Siena said quickly. When she bowed, it caught the attention of the room. "Please forgive my foolish daughter, she is spoiled because she is my youngest. It is my fault for not teaching her well. Please punish me instead."

The people around them stilled and quieted down as they watched the confrontation. It was up to Prince Ryu to resolve the conflict. He could either forgive them or punish them, it was his right. But Ryu was never the forgiving type.

"Prince Husband." Siri said as she grabbed on to his arm. "Since it is older sister Yelona's engagement celebration, let us not hold on to grudges and forgive Second Wife and older sister Luna of their mistake. Although older sister Luna has slandered this Princess, let us be magnanimous and not ruin the banquet and bring ill will towards the union between Imperial Nephew and older sister Yelona. For Yelona is my older sister and Crown Prince Morgan is your nephew."

Although Siri's face looked worried and forgiving. Her eyes shined brightly and mischievously at him. She was clearly enjoying herself way too much and he has had enough.

"As my Princess Wife wishes." He said as he took the piece of half eaten pastry off her plate.

The situation defused immediately and Siena and Luna bowed towards them and thanked them profusely before taking their leave. Siena had to pull Luna away as she protested leaving Ryu and going back to her table.

"I think I have enough of people for one day." Ryu said. "Let us leave."

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