Treatment (3)

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That night, the five of them watched over Ryu. She would give a pain relieving pill to him every six hours to ensure his journey through his pain would be safe. Although Ryu sweated and groaned in pain, not once did he ask for the pain reliever. With Siri's medical expertise, she gave him one when the six hour mark came up.

Siri noticed all the guards all had their hands in a fist either by their side or they held on to something tight to help them stand the sight of their leader, their Prince, their future King going through such pain. She knew if they could, they would rather go through that pain for him, so he wouldn't feel an ounce of pain that he was going through.

That night Siri and Ryu's guards stayed up and watched Ryu overcome his ordeal. When the sunrise hit their window and casted a long light into the window, Siri quickly got up. It was time.

Siri ran into the other room and prepared a cold bowl of water with the dantian cleansing medicine she already prepared before hand. She also prepared a warm bowl of water and several clean wash cloths.

Ethan helped Siri carry in the bowls and set them on the table next to the bed. They could all see a black gooey substance seep out of the paste as if the paste was drawing the poison from out of his body. Siri dipped the wash cloth in the warm water and started wiping the paste off of Ryu's back. It took several times before the black goo stopped seeping from his pores. The warm water was now completely back as Siri threw in the wash cloth in to the bowl that was used to clean the antidote and the black goo off of his back.

She then took a new wash cloth and dipped it in the cold bowl of water with the dantian cleansing medicine. She washed his back first to ensure every bad toxin was extracted. She then discarded the wash cloth and got a new one. She dipped it again in the cold water and this time in circular motions, she wiped the governing vessel dantian three times before dipping the cloth in the cold water and doing the same movement on his third dantian on his lower back.

She continued with this action for the rest of the early morning, until all of the water in the bowl was gone. By this time Ryu had fainted due to exhaustion and the poison leaving his body. He could finally find some peace after a long night of enduring.

"You have the qi cores I asked for?" Siri asked the four men.

Liam stepped forward and handed her two Sky Bound Martial Stage qi cores. She placed one on his governing vessel dantian and one on this third dantian. She hovered both of her hands above the qi cores and very slowly pushed her qi into the core, mixing her pure yin qi into the core.

A cold breeze started blowing through the room and Siri's hair started fluttering and flying. As if she was possessed by the Healing Goddess herself. The four guards watched, mystified at their Princess. They watched as she pushed her qi into the core then pushed the power that the qi core had into their Prince.

Ryu had a pale, sickly look when he fell asleep, but when she started pushing the qi core's energy along with her pure yin qi into him, they all saw how color came back into him. His skin became tan and had a glow to him. As if somehow he had become younger all of a sudden.

All four of them couldn't believe their eyes. They have never seen her healing technique before and were surprised at her abilities. They watched as Siri worked over Ryu for three hours until the qi core's light died.

The moment all the energy ran out in the qi core, Siri stopped. Thankfully, Ryu's wheelchair was beside the bed. She quickly sat down or else her knees would have gave out. A sheen of sweat could be seen on her forehead as the roots of her hairline was wet from it.

She had no more strength in her, she gave everything she had to healing Ryu. And right now, her pale coloring was even more pale. As if her hair and her skin was the same color.

"Princess!" Petra quickly yelled once he saw her condition.

Siri waved his worry away. "I'm fine. I just need to rest for a bit. I'll be fine."

"But--" Petra started to say.

"I'll be fine. Promise. Just tired."

"Princess. You should also take care of yourself and not push yourself too hard. Prince Ryu would be anergy should anything happen to you." Liam said as he stared that her.

"I'll be fine. I promise." Siri told them. "Turn him over. I'm going to get some medicine for him."

"I'll help." Petra said.

But before she could stand up, Petra had pushed the wheelchair with her sitting in it to the other room.

"Don't get up, just tell me where to go and I'll push you there. You shouldn't be standing at the moment." Petra said.

Giving in to him, Siri directed him to the wall where she kept all the medicine she made. She opened the cabinet and selected a small white jade vase.

"Take me back." Siri ordered Petra.

Once inside the room again, Siri was rolled up next to the bed. She opened the white jade vase and out came a single pill. The essence of the pill was so strong, that Petra, Ethan, and Liam could see the qi energy glow from it. The smell was calming to their nose as it filled the air. They all knew the pill Siri was going to give to Ryu was a strong pill. A pill that would help his body and raise his cultivation. Maybe even raise his martial skills to the next level.

But what they didn't know, was that the pill also has her Yin qi essence. Once consumed, her yin qi essences will cleanse all of his dantians and veins. Creating stronger veins so he could cultivate faster and retain more qi inside of him.

Siri placed the pill inside Ryu's mouth and the pill melted immediately. She watched as Ryu's adam's apple moved up then down, as if he was swallowing. Within moments, his whole body started glowing white. Every vein glowed as the medicine spread out into his dantian, carrying the yin qi essence from one place to another, his dantian glowed once it was cleansed completely, once it was pure again, the glowing light disappeared. From head to toe, Ryu's whole body was cleansed, as if he had no taint to his body.

They all watched as Ryu transformed before them. He was already at Noble Phoenix Martial Stage, but within a matter of moments, Ryu broke through the third martial tier and became a Heavenly Dragon Martial Stage, the fourth and last martial class. The three men all fell to one knee in unison. They have all witness a miracle. Their Prince has been at Noble Phoenix stage for 11 years. His Master told him that would be the highest martial class he would obtain, for he was injured during a battle. That injury was a direct hit to his conceptual vessel dantian and made his cultivation halt.

Even though he was told this, he kept on cultivating. And all those years of cultivating paid off this one instant as all that qi energy within him pushed his cultivation to the next martial stage, making him a peak Heavenly Dragon Martial Stage fighter. When he was born, he was a King among men, he was now he is a God among men.

Pure, natural qi from around them were sucked into Ryu's body, refilling his empty and clean dantians. Ryu breathed in deeply and in an instant, his eyes opened and he felt refreshed. He never had this feeling before. The feeling of peace and oneness with his soul and body. He looked at everyone in the room. His three most trusted guards all knelt on one knee with their head bowed down, while his wife, is beautiful, smart and courageous wife sat beside him.

His eye scanned his wife and saw that she had fallen asleep. She had not witness all of his glory. She did not witness his cultivation breaking through from one stage to the next. Did not see how the qi that surrounded them were sucked into his body. Did not see his men bend their knee, not to him. But to her. They have given their full loyalty to her and she had missed it.

Ryu laid his head back down and stared at the ceiling and whispered.

"You did not disappoint this Prince."

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