Spring Hunt (7)

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The day of the Spring Hunt, Ryu and Siri had been the lasts one to attend arrive again. When they entered their tents, Ryu quickly threw Siri on their bed and remade memories of last year. When it was time for the feast, Ryu and Siri rolled out of bed and got ready to attend the party.

The tent flaps were opened and everyone was already present. Music was playing, dancers were dancing, fires in front of their tents were already burning brightly.

Ryu and Siri already went through the interviews with the concubines. Out of the 20 girls, only five were adamant to marry Ryu and stay on as his concubine. Those five names were going to be announced that night.

"Welcome, everyone to the Spring Hunt." Ryu said as he began the feast. "Once again, we gather here to the royal forest to celebrate the Spring and ask for a blessing from the Gods so we can have a good harvest this year."

Everyone clapped and cheered as they were excited to begin the feast then the night hunt.

"Tonight, this King will also like to announce some good news." Ryu said as everyone stopped talking. Something was up and they knew it. A couple of days ago, some of their daughters were invited to tea with the Queen. When their daughters came back, they just told their parents that they talked and had tea, but their parents knew better. Their Queen was vetting out concubines for King Ryu to add to their Back Palace. Queen Siri would be in charge of the Back Palace so she had to see if they fit with her personality.

"This King has chosen, five young ladies to enter the Back Palace." Ryu said. "After much discussing with my Queen Wife we thought these five young ladies would be a nice addition to the royal family."

Everyone waited in anticipation. The twenty families that wanted to be a part of the royal family held their breaths as if the selection of their daughters into the Back Palace would change their fate.

"Lady Huifang." Steward Mo shouted. "Please step forward, bow and accept the decree."

Huifang smiled brightly as she hugged her parents as if it was the happiest moment for her and the highest honor for her family. She stepped forward and stopped before the King and Queen. She bowed and accept her decree.

"On this day, the first day of Okite, the first year of King Ryu's reign, Lady Huifang Fang, daughter to Lieutenant General Isamu. Shall be bestowed a marriage to King Ryu Akiyama. Their wedding date will be set for the first day of Middo, the first year of King Ryu's reign."

Steward Mo gave the decree to Huifang then stepped away before Huifang elegantly kowtowed and thanked the King and Queen. She then left to go back to her parents with the decree in her hands and a smile on her face.

After Huifang, it was Lady Anyah, Lady Xiang, Lady Xaiohui, and Lady Qiao. Three, were Minister's daughters while two were daughters of Generals. All of their wedding dates were one after another. Giving their families a month to prepare. Knowing their mothers, they would have prepared their daughter's dowery since the moment they were born.

The night feast continued on with fervor as families celebrated their daughter's good fortune and many toasts were made to congratulate them. When the moon was high above the stars, the feast was adjourned as those who wanted to participate proceeded to climb onto their horses.

The five young ladies gathered together and excitedly chatted with each other as they were planning to stay behind. Their fathers and brothers didn't want them to go on the night hunt. Their fortune already was decreed. Their golden life was set.

"You should go say some words to them." Siri said as she turned to Ryu. "Before you leave. You should tell them to not catch a cold or get sick before the wedding."

"No. It would only give them hope that I'll look their way." Ryu said back. "I will not give them hope when there is none."

"If you don't, you'll slight their parents. They all think you'll waver, once you start collecting your flower garden, let us make them think so as well." Siri advised him. "We are a team. I trust you. Just say a couple of words, even if it gives them false hope, they will be happy. Their families would be happy. And everyone would think you are just like every other man when they see a pretty, young, and talented woman. Go."

Siri kept encouraging him. They needed to have a united front. Mostly everyone there was on Ryu's side to help him win the throne, but now, it was Siri and Ryu against them. The tables have turned. They needed to keep their enemies close, but their friends closer. For one day a friend could turn around and stab you in the back for status, for strength, for money.

Ryu grumbled underneath his breath before he stood up and made his way to the five ladies. They all stopped talking at once as they turned to Ryu and bowed. He was able so say a couple of words to them, making them blush.

Siri smiled. They were all young maidens. Like she was once with him.

"Queen Siri." Koji said as he stepped forward and bowed.

"Please rise, Scholar Koji." Siri said as her smile stayed on her face.

Koji quickly stood, but when his eyes looked upon Siri's liquid silver eyes, all of his thoughts were gone.

"I hear from your mother that you're studying for the Minister's exam this summer." Siri said after the awkward silence.

"Ah, yes, your Highness. I am."

"I wish you good fortune on the results you want." Siri told him.

"T-thank you, your Highness. I'll study hard and become first in the summer testing course." Koji quickly said as a pink hue lit his cheeks making him endearing.

"Was there something you wanted to ask me?" Siri asked after another pause of silence.

"Here's the thing. Me and some of my peers were drinking and made a bet. Whoever lost would have to come up to your Highness and ask your Highness to drink a cup of wine with us to celebrate the Spring Hunt." Koji quickly said. "It's just a game we noble sons play during celebrations. "

"You and the others have decided to stay behind and not participate in the night hunt?" Siri asked.

Koji scratched the back of his head before telling her that those that decided to stay behind didn' t really have an interest in hunting.

"Since Scholar Koji was courageous enough to fulfill the dare, than this Queen must not let Scholar Koji's hard work go to waste." Siri said.

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