Smoke and Shield

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Ryu raised his eyebrow to challenge Siri. If she was going to be his smoke and shield, now was the time to do it. Didn't she say she could mesmerize the whole room with just one look? Now was the time for her to prove to him that her cocky words were not just words, she needed to put them into action.

Siri hated to be forced to be in the spot light, like how Ryu was now forcing her to be his smoke and shield. But what was she suppose to do, but do what she told him she was going to do. They made a deal after all and she still had a little more than 8 months to go. So instead of giving him a death stare, she placed a smile on her face and got up and bowed.

"This Princess's present is humble yet priceless." Siri said slowly as she gathered everyone's attention to her. "This Princess will present to Prince Ronin a piece of music to celebrate his day of birth. If I may borrow a guzheng?"

The King clapped his hand twice and a guzheng was placed in the middle of the room so she would be front and center. Siri stood up from her table with the help of her maids and made her way towards the guzheng. She sat down and plucked a couple of cords to make sure the instrument was well tuned.

"Please forgive this Princess should this Princess make any mistakes." Siri said as her hands hovered over the guzheng. The quietness of the room consumed her for a second before their first note was plucked with her nimble fingers.

(Play music if you're wondering what song I envisioned Siri playing for them to hear)

Her fingers ran over the strings like water over a waterfall, enchanting everyone. Making everyone listen to her skillful hands play beautiful notes. Her straight back posture, the wind blowing her silver hair, her slight smile with her plump lips curved slightly with delight. Her delicate yet skillful fingers brushed over the guzheng made her look as if she had just descended from the clouds. Her black dress against her pale skin, her silver hair and silver eyes made her seem as if she was an ice maiden sent from the Gods that no one could touch.

Everyone listened to the enthralling music. Some of the women wiped the corners of their eyes, because somehow the music Siri play reminded them of their first love that they couldn't forget, even though they were married and with grown children. The song reminded them of the good times they had as maidens who had yet to marry and fell in love with the first man who made their heart skip. But because they married the man their family chose for them, they had to let that first love go.

For the men, the song reminded them of the one that got away. The woman that they couldn't catch and hold in their hands. Either due to their lack of power, strength, social standing or bad timing.

Somehow deep inside, the music Siri played for them made them remember the bittersweet moments in their life.

When Siri's fingers plucked the last string, the room was quiet for a long time before the King and Queen stood up and clapped with vigor. Soon the whole room clapped and cheered as well.

"What a great gift you have bestowed to us all!" King Cai said as he sat down. "What wonderful music you just played. We have all heard about the bad rumors about you, Princess Siri. But seeing how talented, beautiful and virtuous you truly are today made me regret me decision. Should I have know those rumors were false, I wouldn't have accepted my son's request for breaking off the engagement. And you would have been my favored daughter-in-law instead of my favored sister-in-law."

Siri bowed low towards the ground as if she accepted his backhanded complement, but it was to truthfully hide her scowl and the roll of her eyes in annoyance. When she came back up, any trace of unhappiness was wiped off and on her face was a mask of a humble smile.

"King Cai gives this Princess more credit than this Princess is due. This Princess is not that skillful compared to the other ladies of the court. Please Prince Ronin, accept this Imperial Aunt's humble gift with an open heart." Siri said as she turned to the small child and Concubine Nina.

"Imperial sister-in-law's present is priceless. How can we not accept your beautifully composed music that you made just for my son on his birthday. This Concubine accepts your humble present on behalf of my son and we shall cherish this moment for a life time." Nina said softly as she fanned herself.

The song Siri played reminded Nina of her time with Ryu when they were kids. How they use to play with each other. How he use to tease her until she cried. And when she cried, he would have to carry her on his back until she was happy. All the memories they made together ran through her mind as if it was just yesterday that he carried her on his warm back.

But now, she is the King's woman and had a son with him. How could she ever forget her first love? If only the blood of her son held the same blood as Ryu, she would be happier. Seeing Siri make her way towards Ryu and seeing Ryu reach out to hold Siri's hand in front of everyone made her blood boil. She had to hide her sneer behind her fan so no one would see her jealousy.

Siri herself was surprised when Ryu reached out to grab a hold onto her hand. But since he didn't say anything, she didn't either, pretending that them holding hands was a normal thing. Once she sat down and the rest of the people started talking again, did Ryu finally say something to her.

"You're cold." He said again to her.

"Em." Siri repeated herself. "I'm always cold."

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