Wedding (5)

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King Cai quickly dispersed the guests and sent them home.  What happened that night was a family affair and they would take care of it themselves.  He made a royal order that should any word spread outside of the palace, their families would be wiped out of existence from the Yukah Kingdom.

When most of the guests left, Siri turned to Ryu to leave as well.  Siri didn't care how they dealt with the shit storm she created.  She had knocked down seven people with one move.  And the whole nobility and royalty was there to witness it.  

"You bitch!"  Siena shouted as she marched forward towards Siri. Siena saw red and wanted to slap the tranquil and innocent face Siri plastered on her face.  "It's all your fault!  You planned this!   It's all your fault!"  

But before she could even get anywhere near Siri, Liam and Petra blocked her way.  Siena stopped abruptly as she stared down Siri through the two bodyguards.  

"You planned this didn't you?  Didn't you?"  Siena yelled.  

"How dare Second Mother accuse this Princess of doing something so horrible."  Siri said as she watched Siena have a melt down.  "Your Highness, I implore you to see justice for this Princess.  Seeing how Second Mother accuses this Princess of a crime that this Princess did not commit, you must find the truth that this Princess had nothing to do with what happened tonight." 

Prime Minister Chen pulled Siena off the floor and brought her back to Luna who was now sleeping on the bed surrounded by her maids while Yelona sat on the chair fuming with rage.  Siena had forgotten that should anyone accuse someone from the royal family with a crime, they would have to show proof of that crime.  Should there be no proof, the person accusing the crime would be punished, however if there was proof, the royal family member would be punished instead.  

"I was in the ceremonial hall the whole night."  Siri said as she looked at King Cai as if she was imploring him to send someone to investigate. Her long doe like eyelashes had a hint of tears that was threatening to fall. "I was beside my beloved Prince Husband the whole night.  The only time I was away from him was when Older Sister Luna came by to toast to our family's fortune.  Then we made our way across the hall to toast and thank the guests for attending the wedding.  I was well within my rights, as Princess Consort Yelona's, little sister and Imperial Aunt,  to show my thanks to the guest for coming and giving us face.  After a while, Older Sister Luna became too drunk and that is when I called over her maid to put her some place safe so she could sleep off her drunken state.  I did not want her to make Father or Second Mother lose any face on this important day.  So before they left, the maid, that one right there."  Siris aid as she pointed to the maid with red hair.  "Reported to Second Mother of the situation and she agreed.  Afterwards I went straight back to my Beloved Prince Husband's side and stayed at his side this whole time."

Siri turned and stared at her Siena with a sad face.  "How could you think this Princess could plan and do something like this?  This Princess was locked away in this Princess's courtyard since this Princess was born.  All this Princess knows are the four womanly arts that this Princess's teacher taught her since this Princess was little.  This Princess has no knowledge on what you're accusing this Princess of.  All the things Second Mother is accusing of this Princess, it breaks this Princess heart knowing that whatever this Princess does and says.  No matter how much this Princess accomplishes, it is but ash to Second Mother and Father's eyes and heart.  All the hard work this Princess put into making Second Mother and Father proud means nothing, for you both have never kept me in your heart.  All this Princess ever wanted from Second Mother and Father was to be loved."  

Siri turned to Ryu and bent down to cry on his arm as his other hand came down to pat her head.  His cold mask held on as he watched for everyone's reaction.  His demeanor turned even more cold as Siri cried out even louder.  

"Are you going to send someone to go investigate, King Brother?"  Ryu said as he stared hatefully at Siena.  "That woman is accusing my Princess Wife of a crime.  We all know what needs to be done before this stain against my Princess Wife's reputation and name gets dragged into the mud."  

"There's no need to investigate!"  Prime Minister Chen said as he squeezed Siena's shoulder to shut her up.  Should they investigate and what Siri said was true, they would be punished for their crime against the royal family.  "My wife is not in a state of clarity.  She is in too much distress to think at the moment.  The accusation against Princess Siri was made under stress and we will take it back, so there is no need to investigate."  

Siri's crying came out louder at Prime Minister Chen's words.  

"Go."  King Cai said as he couldn't stand the crying woman anymore.  "You may leave." 

Everyone looked at Siri and she looked too pitiful at the moment.  Her mother died when she was young and didn't grow up with a mother to love and protect her and her father didn't care about her.  No matter how much she accomplished in life, they didn't acknowledge her existence. 

More rumors were spread throughout the royal palace of the Prime Minister and his Second Wife's abuse towards their youngest daughter.  The one they neglected and disregarded because her mother died young.

Siri had to have both of her maids by her side to help her walk. As they proceeded out of the bridal courtyards.  Siri kept up with her heartbroken facade all the way to the carriage.  Inside the carriage, Siri's eyes were instantly dried and she smiled at the scene she orchestrated.  Ryu reached out and held on to her hand as they sat side by side.  

"Wife, you did not disappoint this Prince." Ryu said as he squeezed her hand.  

Siri smiled and leaned her head on his shoulder as he lets go of her hand and wraps his arm around her shoulder.  He pulls her close and smells her hair before looking out the same window Siri looked at.  There were no more words needed for that night.  

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