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The next day it was announced that Prime Minister Chen's second Young Miss, Luna Chen, would become Crown Prince Morgan's Concubine of the First Class.  The whole city lit up with chatter as the Prime Minister just married off his first daughter as the wife to the Crown Prince and not a day later it was announced that his second daughter would be Crown Prince Morgan's concubine as well.  With this action, the Prime Minister had thrown all his loyalty and power with the Crown Prince.  

Prince Bai and Prince Changming sat around Prince Bai's table as they drank their morning wine.  Last night they figured that the Crown Prince's mistake would make their King Father remove Morgan's Crown Prince title for making King Cai lose face in front of everyone.  But to their surprise, instead of removing his title, their King Father granted Morgan a marriage.  

Not just any marriage, but a marriage to the Prime Minister's daughter.  Both of his daughter's were now married to Morgan, which would now make Prince Bai and Prince Changming's chance of winning the support of the other Ministers and Generals that Prime Minister Chen had an influence on harder for them to bring over to their side.  

Knowing their chances of support were growing smaller. Prince Bai invited Prince Changming over so they could join side together to go against their older Prince Brother.  

"That scheming bastard!"  Changming said as he slammed the wine cup down on the table breaking the cup in his hand.  

A servant rushed by to clean the mess, while a maid immediately poured another cup of wine for him, while another maid saw to his hand.  When the three of them finished their tasks, they all went to the side of the room and became statues again.  

"Had I known he was going to pull this stunt, I would have raped that delectable girl in the garden."  Changming said as his blood got heated even more.  

Bai looked over at his brother and smirked.  The bad thing about Changming was that he was hot blooded.  He killed first then asked questions later.  That was also the good thing about him as well.  Bai would be able to use Changming's hotblooded nature for himself.  

"Had you wanted to do that, I would have helped you."  Baid told him.  "Better you than that coward of a Brother Morgan."  

Changming looked at Bai before drinking down the wine in his cup.  His rage at the situation did not cool down with every cup of wine he drank. It just made him more angry.  

"What are we to do now?"  Changming said as he sneered at Bai.  They both only had a handful of ministers on their side.  The generals all kept neutral and didn't want to get into their fight for the throne, except the two by Crown Prince Morgan's side.  But those two were Morgan's teacher and his Uncle so of course those two Generals were on his side.  

"Who else has influence that could win us support?"  Bai asked.  They both were in the same situation and stuck in the same boat. Only with helping each other would they overthrow their brother Morgan.  

"Uncle Ryu?" Changming said as he looked into his cup of wine.  

The room was quiet for a long time before the two brothers laughed heartedly.  Their Useless Imperial Uncle.  If he had the use of this legs, he would have been useful to them, but now that he lost the feelings of his legs, he's military influence waned and no longer held any power or influence on anything.  They laughed harder at Changming's suggestion as they toasted each other for the funny joke.  

"But what I would give to have one night with Imperial Aunt Siri."  Changming said through his laughter.  "Have you heard the ridiculous rumors about Imperial Uncle and his "big and healthy" bedroom lifestyle?" 

"Yeah and his expertise that has Imperial Aunt trapped inside her room for days on end!"  Bai laughed louder as if he didn't believe it.  

Changming stopped laughing as he realized something.  "Maybe those rumors are true."  

"What do you mean?"  

"Do you see how he favors Imperial Aunt during all the celebrations, he lets Imperial Aunt eat and drink first before eating or drinking her left overs."  Changming said as he poured more wine into his cup.  "Remember when we were younger and when we were being taught by the Imperial Teacher, how much of a clean and neat person Imperial Uncle was.  No one was allowed to touch him or his things.  If he or his things got dirtied, he would change his clothes right away,and he threw away the dirtied item." 

"So do you think the rumors are true?"  Bai asked as he raised his eyebrow.  

"I don't know, but he must favor her enough not to be disgusted by her."  

"I wouldn't be either."  Bai said as he laughed with Changming as they lusted after their Imperial Aunt.  

They spent the rest of the afternoon talking and trying to figure out ways to make Morgan lose his Crown Prince title and lose support from the Ministers and Generals.  

At Prince Ryu's courtyard, he and ten of his shadow guards were reporting to him of their movements and of his army's movements.  His 500,000 soldiers were now all either Sky Bound Martial Stage or Noble Phoenix Martial Stage.  His army could beat every army in the Yukah Kingdom.  With Siri's Ultimate Heavenly Elixir, all of his men's cultivations became better and they all moved up to the next martial stage within heartbeats.  Since then, they were put under harsher training and have now become a well trained killing army.  

If Ryu wanted to take over the throne right now, he could.  With six out of the eight Army Generals supporting him, along with his personal army, he would be able to take the throne forcefully away from King Cai.  However, he knew that to be a great King, he needed the love and respect from his people as well.  

With the help of his wife, he was now known as The Beloved Husband.  The Competent Lover.  The Large Beast.  The Mating Master.  The Passionate Husband.  And the one that made him mad and entertained at the same time: The One Eye Monster.  

Siri's suggestions of his mastery in the bedroom and his larger than life penis gave him several new nicknames.  Everytime he went out, all the women, married or maiden would look at him like a piece of meat and wanted to jump his bones as if he could take on the whole room of ladies by himself.  

At first he thought it was amusing, that with very few words, his Wife was able to make others believe in her suggestions. But it has now spiraled out of control, where his own capable abilities were being made up to the extreme making him god like.  

Men now looked at him and wondered if the rumors were true, while other men looked at him with envy.  There were even some lechery noble sons who was either too dumb or had too much to drink to come up to him and ask him to give them pointers.  With one look, he sent the young men away, but his Useless Prince and Wasted Prince names were now gone and replaced with all those lewd nicknames.  

Ryu didn't know if he should be glad or mad at his wife, for she did promise to make his reputation grow and turn his bad rumors to good rumors.  Ryu sighed heavily as he ran his fingers through his hair.  Siri had too much courage, to be able to change the people's thoughts about him and tease him at the same time.  At his expense!  

Ryu smiled to himself as a light feeling floated through to his heart.  Only his wife would have that much courage!  

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