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The next day Siri had Tsuyoi enter the house she renamed Cosmos House that was to the right of the royal house that Ryu and Siri shared. She turned Cosmos House into the new Narcissus House where she kept all her herbs, medical equipment and supplies. She would only help heal the soldiers, guards and servants who had a severe injury that the royal doctors couldn't cure.

Whenever she entered Cosmos House, her guards would always double in size. So when Master Teacher Tsuyoi followed the eunuch to follow him inside Cosmos House, both of them were checked by the guards for any harmful substance.

"Please forgive us Master Teacher." Jonas said as he checked both of them over. "It is protocol to check each and every person before entering, no matter what title you hold. It is law here."

Tsuyoi's eyebrow twitched, but he didn't say anymore about it. He nodded his head as if he understood and was above them checking his body for any weapons or substance that could harm the Queen. Once they were done, the eunuch lead him to the door and announced their presence.

From inside Meada came to receive the Master Teacher and gave the eunuch some silver coin in thanks for delivering the Master Teacher safely. As Master Teacher Tsuyoi entered, Meada quickly closed the door, not letting a single soul peep through.

"This way." Meada said as she lead the way inside.

After walking through the heavy curtain that blocked the view of the inside, Tsuyoi stopped in his tracks as the inside of the room surprised him. The large room looked like had several stations. There was a section of the room dedicated for making medicine, elixirs, and pills. There was an examination section, with several drawers of medicines, gauzes, and catguts. There was a section that was a large tub that was now filled with hot green medicinal water. There was a section that was just a desk and books, while there was a section that was just beds. The large room was clean, orderly and organized.

"Master Teacher this way please." Siri said as she waved him to sit on the examining table.

When Tsuyoi sat on the table, one of the maids laid a tray on the table. On the tray were several pills and several instruments he's never seen before.

"Elder must excuse this young one. For this young one will start treating Elder now." Siri said.

Tsuyoi gave his wrist for Siri to take his pulse, but instead she used the strange instrument instead. She place the instrument on both sides of her ear then use the other end and placed it on his chest.

"What... what are you doing." Tsuyoi said worried at her weird behavior.

"Shhh. Just breathe for me, Elder."

She moved the object around his chest, telling him to breathe deeply then she went behind him and did the same thing.

"Queen Siri?" Tsuyoi questioned once she was done. "What is that instrument you just used on me?"

Siri pulled the stethoscope out of her ear and explained it to him.

"This medical instrument is called a stethoscope. It helps healers and doctors help listen to a patient's heartbeat and breathing. Here would you like to try?" Siri asked as she place the earpieces into his ear then placed the disk on to her heart. She watched as Tsuyoi's eyes widen in awe and surprise. It was a miracle to him, this strange and small medical instrument could do such a great thing. "Who..."

"I did." Siri answered him before he could even ask her the question. "I dreamed it up and went through several prototypes before I was satisfied with it. If you went to my Open Hands and Open Heart Hospital the doctors there have been using them to help the patients. It's being introduced into the Royal Doctors Association next summer."

Tsuyoi was too speechless to give her praise. Their Queen was surely too great for her own good.

"Shall we began." Siri said as she handed him three pills. "The Blood Billow Poison needs three steps to cure you. The first step are these three pills. The red pill is the blood essence of a White Five-Tail Fox at Noble Phoenix Martial Stage. It's qi core has been grounded with it's blood to make this pill. It'll help guide you through this tough journey. The blue pill is the Billow Ink Root. The palace already had the Billow Ink Root in it's stores so all I had to do was take it out. The pink pill is a health stabilizer. Elder is no longer young. This pink pill will help your qi circulate and keep steady during this process. The second step would be for you to enter that green medicinal bath over there."

Siri said as she pointed over to the steaming bath.

"You will sit in that bath for an hour while my maid, Meada, wipes your eyes with a cloth soaked in the same medicinal concoction. It will help heal your eyes. At night you will put in two drops of the medicinal concoction inside your ears to heal your hearing. For three days and three nights you shall follow my orders and you'll be cured by the end of it. So let me ask you again, Master Teacher Tsuyoi, do you trust me?"

"Em." Tsuyoi said nodding his head up and down. "This Elder trusts you."

"Good." Siri said as she handed him the three pills and a cup of the medical concoction for him to drink.

Tsuyoi took the pills in one hand and the cup in the other. Without hesitation, he ate the pills and drank all of the liquid in the cup. The thought it would taste bitter, but instead it tasted sweet yet tart.

"Go behind the screen and submerge yourself inside of the tub, Meada will sit beside you to wipe your eyes." Siri order him.

Tsuyoi followed her orders and quickly got into the steaming hot tub. It was hot at first, but soon the hot liquid made his whole body relaxed.

Siri came to check in on them before leaving them for an hour. "Just sit back and have Meada help you. I have Rose here to read to you, what would you like to hear?"

"The poetry of Hazu."

"Good choice." Siri said before leaving.

Tsuyoi leaned back and closed his eyes as Meada cleaned his eyes with a cloth. Wiping it several times before pouring the medicinal concoction over it then wiping it again. She finally set a hot towel over his eyes while pouring the medicine over it. From his right he heard a young woman start reading the poetry of Hazu and he listened contently as his body relaxed and his mind wandered. If this worked, he really needed to give the Queen a really big reward. Maybe two for insulting her intelligence and mistrusting her.

After the hour long treatment, Tsuyoi got up and got dressed before leaving he thanked Queen Siri and left with a bottle of the medicinal concoction.

"Remember." Siri warned him. "No one knows why you're here. Please do not show anyone that bottle or they might have ill wills and thoughts against you, no matter how much you trust that other person."

"Of course, this subject will keep your words to this subject's heart and not show anyone this bottle." He promised her. Even if it was Ryu who asked him, he wouldn't show it to Ryu.

"Good." She told him. "Then I'll see you tomorrow."

"If Queen Siri does not have anything to do today, can we play chess?" Tsuyoi asked with a hopeful heart. He had been reading on the art of chess and had new strategies that he wanted to play.

"If Master Teacher can wait for this Queen, this Queen would gladly play with Master Teacher."

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