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The day after the Spring Hunt celebrations and blessing ended, Siri and Ryu prepared the necessary items needed to protect Siri's safety and healing. Siri reread the manual that she found about the Taiyo flower over and over again to ensure she didn't miss out on anything.

To prepare her body, Siri only ate vegetarian foods. Nothing spicy and nothing sweet. She meditated and exercised. She made sure she was in a total and complete zen with her mind, her body and her soul. And Ryu was there along with her. Ryu declared a Spring Holiday for 10 days. To celebrate the Spring and to celebrate their King taking five Concubines at the end of the month.

While the city and it's people celebrated, Siri and Ryu spent all of their time together. Whatever Siri was doing, Ryu was right there with her, doing it as well. His support along the way made it more fun and more enjoyable for Siri. It kept her fears at bay.

On the Fourth day since finding the Taiyo flower, Siri prepared the tonic as per the manual instructed. She boiled the clean and pure spring water that was specifically brought down the ancestral mountain that belonged to Ryu. Not only was the water clean and pure, Ryu insisted that the water be blessed upon the Gods and gave half of the water to them in thanks.

Siri only needed a bowl full of water to make the elixir. When the water came to a boil, Siri took it off the flames and took the Taiyo flower out of the red jade box. She cleaned the flower with the blessed spring water then steeped it in the hot water.

She waited as the water turned clear into to a dark red color, before pouring a portion into a bowl. Siri stared down at the hot steaming bowl of Taiyou tea, then she looked at the people inside her bedroom.

There were her three maids, whose love and loyalty always stood strong next to her. Her two nurses who took care of her, who now learned to love her. Steward Mo, who she now relies so much on. Jonas, the head of her guardsmen, who took her safety so serious that it made him endearing. Petra, Liam, Ethan, who always stood by their King through thick and thin. And her husband. Ryu. Who is her whole world.

Siri looked over them one last time, as if to memorize their faces, just in case she didn't come back. She gave them a dazzling smile, one that made their heart hurt before she took the Taiyo tea and drank it down in a couple of gulps.

The liquid went down her throat and she could feel the hot tea enter her system like a hot fire. Her body swayed and her eyes closed as she fell forward. Ryu was beside her and quickly caught her before she could hit the ground.

Ryu carried Siri to bed and tucked her in. Every one watched as Siri's skin flashed from pale to pink, her body would sweat cold then hot, her breathing would be slow then fast. Hot fighting over the cold, trying to win dominance over the other.

Siri saw darkness again. A never ending darkness that she wished she could escape from. A darkness that drove her crazy. She couldn't see anything. Couldn't hear anything, couldn't feel anything, couldn't smell anything. All she could do is wait, wait and meditate. So that's what she did.


The first sound she heard was Ryu's voice talking to her. As if it was a normal day. He told her of his day, what he ate, the funny things that happened in front of him, that made him think about her.

Then she heard those who she loved take turns talking to her. About their lives, their hopes, their dreams. They would complain to her about other people who got on their nerves. They would tell her jokes and read to her.

After a while, their talking became pleading. And Ryu stopped talking. She could sense him beside her, but he stopped talking to her. She felt him hold her, but it was as if he clung to her. Afraid that she'll sneak away if he didn't hold on to her tightly.

Days became weeks. Weeks became months. And Siri still slept.


"Your Highness." Gilldy said one day. "We keep asking your Highness to wake up, but I'm guessing your Highness would wake up when your Highness is ready."

Gilldy sighed. "King Ryu took in three more concubines in the Back Palace. He's kept his word to your Highness that his Highness won't step, one step inside the Back Palace, but the other day was the Summer Celebrations. There was a large banquet thrown at the ceremonial hall. Those crafty concubines have been trying to attract his Highness's attention. One of them even so much tried to bump into his Highness while his highness was leaving, but he moved out of the way, causing her to fall flat on her face."

Gilldy laughed at the memory. "I had to help her up of course, but her parents aren't happy that their daughter lost face in front of everyone. But his Highness stays true to your Highness. So... when you're ready... wake up. We miss you."


"There's a petition going on in court today to dispose of your Highness as Queen." Jonas spat out hatefully. "It states that your Highness's sickly body is an ill omen to the royal family and is the reason why his Highness has not step inside the Back Palace and there are no news of baby dragons. Your Highness, should have seen his Highness. His Highness was magnificent today. His Highness suppressed everyone down with his rage. No one was given mercy as they all knelt in front of him. His Highness gave them a good word or two about minding their business to the laws and governing of Yukah Kingdom and keep out of his private matter. His Highness told them that should anyone bring up any more words of disposing you, his Highness will kill them with his two hands and ensure that their bloodline ends along with them."

Jonas sighed loudly before continuing. "No one dared to bring up anything involving your Highness after that! King Ryu really showed them! This servant just wished your Highness was there to see such a magnificent sight. Your Highness would have been proud."


Siri could hear Ryu walk inside the bedroom. A white hot rage could be felt from him as he slams the door behind him and walks to Siri. She could feel him pace beside her bed, back and forth. His white rage, couldn't go away as he finally jumped on top of her and grab her shoulder. He lifts her body from the bed and shakes her back and forth.

"How dare you! How dare you ask that of me!" Ryu shouted. "How dare you!"

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