Name Suggestion Competition (CLOSED!!!!!)

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Thank you to those who participated!   This suggestion is now closed!  I have used names from all of the suggestions.  Please look forward to the book!   



Hey guys, I'm in the process of thinking of writing another book.  I haven't come up with names for the characters yet, so I was thinking that you guys can help me. 

I need names for:

Main Character (MC),  female age 26.  Black hair, blue eyes, heart shaped face.  Red lips.  Petite. 

Main Lead (MC), male age 22.  Dark blue hair, grey eyes, chiseled face (high cheekbones, long and straight nose bridge, deep set eyes, thick eyebrows, full lips, cheshire smile).  Tall.

Main Villain (MV): male, 22.  Brown hair. Green eyes. Pouty lips.  Pretty.  So pretty that it makes women jealous and men gay. 

Main Villainess (MVS): Female, 20.  Red hair, green eyes.  Beautiful.  Feminine.  Delicate. 

If you guys would like to participate, please give me your suggestions and what role you think you would like the name to be used in.  If you know the meaning to their names, it would be great.  I usually choose names off of their meanings. 

So for example: 

MC: Lihua- beautiful and elegant

ML: Takeshi- elevated, praiseworthy


MVS: Akira- bright, clear, intelligent

(I've used these names already for The Shameless Young Miss, if you haven't read it yet, please do, it's a great read as well.)

I should be writing it in the next couple of days, so any suggestions you have, I'll read over them and pick them out.  If you only have one name that you want to submit, that's fine.  If you want to submit all four names, that's fine as well.  Should I like and chose a name from your suggestion, I will dedicate the book to you. 

Thanks again.  I hope to have a lot of suggestions in the next 2-3 days before I close this competition. 


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