Smoke and Shield (2)

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After the gifts were given out, everyone was invited out to enjoy the garden and the koi pond.  As groups of people went off on their own, Siri walked beside Ryu as Petra pushed his wheelchair and her maids followed her from behind. 

They walked in silence for some time before Ryu broke their silence with a surprising question. 

"Nurse Nancy.  Did you bring a coat for your Mistress?"  Ryu said suddenly. 

"No, Prince Ryu.  We did not carry a coat today."  Nurse Nancy said as she grimaced in her folly. 

"In the future, remember to always carry a coat for your Mistress."  Ryu cautioned her. 

"Yes, Prince Ryu, this servant will remember." 

"Petra."  Ryu said as they made their way around the koi pond trail.  "Give my coat to Princess Siri to wear."

Before Siri could tell him that she was use to her cold state.  Petra had already covered her dainty shoulders with Ryu's coat.  His long white coat fell past her feet, making her drag the end of his coat on the ground. 

"It'll get dirty."  Siri said as she sees the end of his coat being dragged behind her like a train. 

"It's fine."  Ryu said to her.  "As long as you're not cold anymore." 

Siri opened her mouth to tell him that she was always cold because of the Spirit of Coldness that had seeped down to her bones which caused her to always be in a state of constant coldness, but he stared at her hard, warning her not to argue with him or else he would truly revoke their agreement and kill her.  Siri quickly closed her mouth as if nothing happened and walked beside him. 

"Do you have anything else up your sleeve?"  Ryu asked her as they made their way towards a large crowd. 

"Of course I do."  Siri said as she straightened her shoulders back.  "I still haven't given them my "look" to bewitch them." 

"Go."  Ryu said.  "Go be my smoke again." 

Siri laughed and bowed to him once before making her way towards the gaggle of women who surrounded the birthday boy's mother, trying their best to win her favor. 

"Princess Siri."  Concubine Nina said as she saw Siri walk her way. 

Everyone stood up and bowed to Siri when she came close to the group she she told them to sit back down. 

"Sit by me."  Concubine Nina said as she forced the woman who sat next to her to give up her seat. 

Siri smiled before taking the seat that was made open for her. 

"With your skills, how come no one has heard of it before?"  Concubine Nina asked as all the other women present agreed with her.  "To think, of all the bad rumors that ran around about you, how could you not be hurt by them?" 

"Those rumors were just that.  Rumors."  Siri said as she pulled a pitiful look.  "I must admit.  I was hurt by them.  Especially when my engagement to the Crown Prince was annulled.  However with the marriage King Cai granted me with Prince Ryu, I guess you can say it was a misfortune in disguise."

Siri blushed pink as if she was happy and shy about her union with Prince Ryu.  The pink maiden's blush on her cheeks was a sign that let them know what she was blushing about. It was a blush of a maiden who finally found out what happened between a man and a woman in the bedroom. 

The ladies looked at each other wondering how a man who lost the use of his legs have sex.  Siri saw the questions run through the women's minds and quickly blush more red.  She fanned herself to "cool" herself down.  Siri could just imagine the women look lustfully at Ryu which made her smile broaden.  Now he would have to deal with the lustful attentions of these married women, which made her look forward to enjoying his miserable state.

"Everything happens for a reason."  Lady Rona said.  "We should all count our blessings when they come." 

The rest of the women agreed and sipped the tea that was handed to them by their maid.  As their conversation progressed, more and more attention was brought on to Siri.  She charmed the group of women making them laugh, causing more women to join them.  Soon, most of the women that were invited to the birthday party sat around them and joined in the merriment. 

Siri, however kept her eyes scanning her surroundings for Ryu, when she sees him being wheeled in by Petra, she sighed to herself in relief. 

"Oh, I see your Prince Ryu has missed you and has come to fetch you."  Lady Rona teased. 

By then, the rumor that Prince Ryu had a large penis and was a great lover in bed had run rampant among the women present that when he came to pick Siri up, all the women turned around in unison to look upon the strong and vigorous man.  Siri held back her snicker when she excused herself from the group.  All the women sighed and looked at her in envy.  Even though he was call the Wasted Prince.  Where in mattered in the bedroom, he still has skills to compensate for the things he lacked. 

Everyone watched as Ryu grabbed hold of Siri's hand and all together they all giggled and whispered to each other as if they were maidens again. 

"What's wrong with them?" Ryu asked as they turned around to walk away from the group. 

"Lets just say your reputation proceeds you, thanks to me."  She told him.  "A BIG thank you is in order for me." 

Both of her maids and Nurse Nancy smiled and giggled at their mistress.  They have over heard her conversations and suggestions on how 'loving' and 'attentive' their Master is in the bedroom. 

"Did you get what we needed to get?"  She asked him as she bit her cheek to stop her from smiling at his expense. 

"Em." Ryu acknowledged. 

Suddenly from the bushes a small figure darted out in front of them.  It was Prince Ronin jumping out to surprise his favorite Uncle. 

"Uncle!"  Ronin said as he came to hug Ryu. 

"Ronin."  Ryu said as he tapped Ronin's back lightly.  Ryu couldn't give the young child a proper hug to save his own life. 

"What did you really get me!"  Ronin asked excitedly.  "Although I liked the song Imperial Aunt played, I know you have something else for me.  You always do!" 

"You know me too well, nephew."  Ryu said as he reached inside his sleeve to give to him a package about the length of his hand. 

Prince Ronin opened the package quickly to see a blow dart with three needles. 

"Don't tell anyone I gave you this."  Ryu warned him.  "Should anyone find out, I'm never giving you a present for the rest of your life."

Ronin laughed then flung his arms around Ryu again thanking him. 

"I love it!"  Ronin said.  "You always get me the best gifts!  Don't tell Dad that or he'll order 20 hits to skin my backside."

"I won't tell if you won't tell."  Ryu promised him.

Ryu heard footsteps coming up from behind him and quickly told Ronin to hide his present.  Ronin was able to hide the present just in time to see Concubine Nina walk up from behind them.

"Ronin!  There you are.  Are you bothering your Imperial Uncle?"  Concubine Nina chided. 

"No, Imperial Mother.  We were just talking."  Ronin said.  "I was just about to thank Imperial Aunt again for the beautiful song she played earlier." 

"You are very welcomed, Prince Ronin." Siri said quickly to cover their tracks. 

Nina came by to stand beside her son.  Her beauty was one that could rival the Queen's.  Everything about her was delicate and soft.  As if she needed constant protection from the sun and the wind.  As if her entire being needed a strong man to protect her at all times.  No wonder she held the title of most beautiful concubine in the palace.  No wonder she could hold on to the King attention for the past 10 years.  Her beauty and demeanor called out to men to cherish and protect her.  As if they should keep her safe at all times. 

"Princess Siri, are yo--" Nina was cut off as everything went wrong in a blink of an eye.

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