Wedding (2)

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Although he hasn't spent time with her the past couple of days, there were times during the day that he would stop what he was doing due to his thoughts wondering and thinking about her.  Those thoughts were the reason why he came to her bedroom every night.  Why he climbed in bed to sleep next to her.  To hold her.  To smell her.  To hear her breathing. 

"What have you been up to these days?"  Ryu asked. 

"Like your servant's haven't been telling you what I do every waking minute of my day?" Siri teased him as she brushed his wayward bang aside. 

Ryu immediately turned his head to her hand, as if they were magnets, so her hand could cup the side of his face.  Siri smiled at him and slid her hand down the side of his face down his neck.  But suddenly he caught her hand when it reached his chest. 

"We can't start something we can't finish."  Ryu told her. 

"Is that a challenge?" Siri asked as she smiled mischievously at him as her right eyebrow lifted up to question him. 

Ryu's forehead came down to rest against her and he groaned as if he was in pain. 

"Wife.  Don't tease this Prince."  Ryu said through his teeth.  "We have a lot of things to accomplish today. Although I would rather spend it with you in bed, believe me I would if I could, but there are men at the palace right now who are expecting me to be there." 

"And your plans?"  Siri asked.  "What are they?"

"Trying to gain more support."  Ryu told her as he quickly kissed her delectable lips.  He just couldn't help himself.  "We have a couple of ministers and generals that are on the fence.  They are just playing neutral because they don't know the outcome yet." 

"And how do you stand with the ministers and generals compared to Crown Prince Morgan?"  Siri asked. 

"Out of the eight generals, six are on my side.  They have been since I was 16 years old."  Ryu told her.  "Out of the 20 ministers, only 7 are on my side.  Some of the generals and ministers are double agents, saying they're in support with one or another Prince, just so I can have information on every Prince's thoughts and moves."

"So out of your six nephews, three of them are in current fighting for the throne.  Crown Prince Morgan, Prince Bai and Prince Changming.  All of them are close to your age.  Does it mean you all grew up together?"

"Yes."  Ryu told her.  "We all had the same lessons and teachers.  Although we never played together, we were always around each other and watch each other grow up with ambitions for the throne.  Although I had to hide my ambitions, I could see in all three of them that they were taught by their mothers to be wary of one another and fight for the throne.  They act more like enemies than brothers." 

"Which you would use to your advantage, of course!"  Siri said as she smiled at him.  "You'll use their sword to cut one another down, until you're the last one standing."

"Wife, whatever do you mean?" Ryu said pretending as if he didn't know what she was talking about.  "As their Imperial Uncle, it is my duty to help the learn and grow by teaching them about the ways of life."

"How noble of you." Siri said as she looked out the window and saw that they were right outside the entrance to the inner palace. "And how lucky of Imperial Nephews to have such a caring and attentive Imperial Uncle."

When the carriage stopped in front of the gate, Ryu was "helped" down the carriage then Siri came down with the help of Gilldy and Meada. Nusre Mi and Nurse Nancy followed behind Siri, while Ethan pushed Ryu and two other guards, Liam and Petra walked behind Ethan. Their procession into the royal palace was grand, as they walked from the gates to the ceremonial hall. One in all black and gold while the other in a dark plum purple and gold. One was dark, menacing, and seductively handsome, while the other was an image of beauty, grace and alluring charm. Everyone stopped to watch the royal couple walk the long courtyard from the gates to the ceremonial hall. Everyone had to walk the courtyard, it was forbidden to be carried in, unless it was the King and Queen or it was the bride or groom. But upon seeing the royal couple walking in all of their splendor, they have forgotten the reason why they were there.

Prince Bai and Prince Changming watched in envy at their Imperial Uncle. Beside him was a vision, a beauty that didn't match their Useless Uncle. It was Prince Bai's idea to marry off the stubborn, ugly and stupid Prime Minister's Youngest Miss to their Uncle as a joke, so he would lose face in front of everyone. It was suppose to be a prank on him, so Bai brought Changming in on the prank and they laughed in hilarity just thinking of their Useless Uncle being married to the Crown Prince's "Left Overs." They roped in their mothers to talk to their King Father and with a little nudging, King Cai made the decree.

To think their little prank to have the "left over" young miss marry their useless Uncle, was actually a gift instead of a prank. When they saw Imperial Aunt Siri for the first time at Crown Prince and Princess Consort's engagement party, they were blown away at her beauty, her grace and her elegance. When they saw her again at Prince Ronin's birthday party, they were again surprised by her talent.

They couldn't be more envious of their Uncle that they helped gain a beauty into his household. If they had such a beauty by their side, they wouldn't look at other woman. At least that is what they told themselves as everyone bowed in their presence.

When Ryu and Siri finally sat down at their table, it was then that Ryu dismissed everyone to sit back down and continue celebrating. The moment they did, Crown Prince Morgan was announced along with Queen Yuna and King Cai. The three of them came in three different carriages when they came to the ceremonial hall. But their entrance into the ceremonial hall was overshadowed by Ryu and Siri that no one paid the King, Queen and Crown Prince any mind until they were announced by a eunuch.

Everyone stood up again as the three of them came strolling in. When they sat down, King Cai looked over his people then his eyes stopped at Siri. Siri could feel his stare at her for a long time, before his eyes moved on. The whole time, Siri had been holding on to Ryu's hand and Ryu had squeezed her hand the whole time King Cai stared at her. Siri knew he was angry. But they endured. They had to. It was not yet time to show their hand.

"Welcome, friends, family and noble guests to my son, Crown Prince Morgan and future daughter-in-law, Lady Yelona Chen's wedding. Please be seated." King Cai said as he brought up a cup to toast everyone. "Let us raise our cups, in celebration of this union."

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