Spring Hunt Day 2 (2)

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It was a spring day that held a chill in the air, yet the sun shining kept the chill at bay. And yet, Siri's icy glare could freeze a person with one look. Her anger was white hot as she finally stopped in front of Ryu and Chunhua. By this time, Chunhua has noticed Siri and had stood up and to the side as if she just didn't get caught by Siri.

The whole time Siri spoke, she stared at Ryu with her liquid silver eye, frozen from all emotions except anger.

"What a coincidence meeting you two here, by the lake." Siri said as coldly and unemotionally as possible. "Should this Princess not have gone for a walk, this Princess would not have seen such a lovely sight this spring day."

"We were ah---" Chunhua began to talk before Siri interrupted her.

"Meeting behind my back?" Siri said as she raised an eyebrow. "Going for that tea that you missed?"

Usually Siri was fine with Ryu going off and doing the work he needed to be doing to ensure the support he needed to win the throne. Usually she didn't think twice about all the underhanded deals that he might of made or the lengths he went to to gather information. Usually she didn't blink twice when he left. Just like this morning, when she was told he left her early that morning to work, she didn't think twice about his loyalties or faithfulness. He never gave her any indication to doubt him.

But the moment, she saw Chunhua hug him from behind and he let her. Especially since his Nurses kept telling her that he hated being touch by others. Something inside of her broke, from the pit of her stomach to her heart, everything inside of her hurt. But she wasn't going to let him know just how badly it took the wind out of her.

Ryu looked at her back with a cold mask on not giving her any signs back as well.

"Should have told me. I would have brewed the tea myself." Siri said as she held back her feelings. She was breaking, she kept telling herself to give him the benefit of the doubt, that she walked in on something that could be misconstrued as a misunderstanding, but she couldn't help the way she felt about him. About what she saw. About the doubts that filled her head.

She kept reminding herself of his promises and his words, but she also couldn't forget how Chunhua had just asked the King to decree a marriage with Ryu. Chunhua's feelings were real towards Ryu and in this heartbeat of a moment, her feelings waviered.

She really isn't Siri Chen, but really Siri Chinoy. Siri Chen is suppose to be dead, if she didn't transmigrate inside of Siri Chen's body, Ryu would still be single. Still have a chance at marrying the woman he chose and not with a woman he was given.

Ryu stared at his ice cold wife as he could feel her ice cold rage. Her liquid silver eyes was hard and solid as ice, staring at him the whole time as they talked. As she sarcastically said she would have brew them tea if they wanted to sit down and talk, as if she wasn't bothered. Then he saw it. He saw her feelings waviered. And as soon as came, it left.

Siri smiled pleasantly before the two before she stepped forward to brush the loose strand of hair in his face back. She leaned down until her lips were right beside his ear and instead of whispering, she talked in a calm, cool voice so everyone could hear.

"You let Lady Chunhua or another lady touch you again, I'll make sure to go through with my promise to make you an eunuch before my life ends." Siri said steadily without any emotions.

Everyone froze as they just witnessed Princess Siri threaten Prince Ryu. Never has anyone witnessed this before in their life and live to tell the tale. They were all afraid for Princess Siri's life.

But what surprise everyone the most, was when Siri pulled back to stand up again, Ryu laughed. Loudy. Unabashedly. Boisterously.

"You have a nice chat with Lady Chunhua, I'll forgive her mistake this once, seeing how she is your Disciple Sister. Make the same mistake again, and I'll make that promise into reality."

Siri turned around to walk away, but Ryu's hand automatically came up to take a hold of it. Siri saw this coming, but instead of letting him take hold of her hand and hold her back so he could have the last word, she quickly moved away and kept on walking. Letting him watch her back as she never turn around once. Never letting him have the upper hand. Never letting him know just how affected she was by his actions. Never showing them just how weak he made her.

She didn't hear Ryu talk to her behind her back. 

"You dare not look back at this Prince?"

When she didn't turn around he smiled bitterly.  "Wife has great courage to not look back at this Prince."

She could hear her heart beat loudly as she kept on marching. her two maids, two nurses and twenty guards followed her quietly as she walked away swiftly. The further she was away from them, the better.

No one spoke as they all followed her through the forest trails until it lead her to an open field. She ordered everyone to spread out and watch over their surroundings. She needed space the time to think properly. She couldn't tell them to go away and leave her alone, so she ordered them to set up a perimeter and keep watch. Siri walked to the center of the field and sat down.

Silence descend on her and she laid back so the sun could shine on her as her eyes closed. Slient tears started falling and she didn't know why. Her thoughts and feelings were jumbled inside of her. Wanting to believe him and yet condemn him. Wanting to leave everything behind and yet stay and keep fighting. Wanting to slap him and needing him.

"Bastard." Siri whispered as the tears kept falling. She was breathing deeply, with large breaths so she could take control of her feelings and the tears that refused to stop.

She covered her eyes with her arm to hide the tears and soon sleep came over her as her emotions overwhelmed her.

Cold, she was always cold. It wasn't a good idea to become hot. The heat could burn, and it burnt her badly.

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