intro ; a/n

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June 17, 2017

Hello, my potatoes.

So! Welcome old readers, new readers, I-forgot-this-story-even-existed-but-hey-Im-back readers!

Version 2017 author here, 'cause I wanna talk about some things.. And also to my younger self (pst. What the hell were you thinking)

I've finally begun the process of editing this story.

This story was first published back then in 2014 and I was honest to God not even a teenager back then. Jesus, that explains all the cringing you can get from the story itself.

First of all, I just wanna laugh at myself for screwing up the school system and putting Juniors above Sophomores. Jesus Christ. I was in Grade 6 when I started the book so I had no flipping idea what the hell High School was but I wrote about it anyway.

Also, Mr. Famous meets the Sophisticated Popular girl??? I'm sorry, younger me, but was that supposed to be intriguing???

I'd like to formally apologize for all of those people who expected more from this story and got the scribbles of a five-year-old mind instead. 1.8M views? Yeah, I'd expect something more.

I'm editing this story for the sake of actually giving you guys something that can be worth the read. And god, worth the love and support it gets.

You'll see EDITED at the end of a chapter when I have finished editing it. I'll try my best to wrap this story up pretty quickly 'cause god have I planned a sequel or two for this. But!! I haven't!! Even!! Finished!! Book one!!

But putting those facts to the side - I'd like to thank each and every one of you who've clicked on this story and began the journey of eternal cringing. You've fanned the spark that is my love for writing and made it into a forest fire (not a flattering imagery, but I was never good with that to start with.)

Hmm, let's end this on a positive note.

You. Yes you. Of any age or gender or whatever. Pick up that pen and write yourself a book! It's life changing, I can asure you that. I've been lucky enough to have some people like my craft and who's to say that it can't happen to you? So go ahead and try it!

With all that being said, thank you so much for supporting this story. We're near the end. Hang in there.<3

And to my lovely new readers, enjoy the ride! (Well, you won't 'cause it still sucks, but I'll edit everything. I swear!)

The Uptown Girl (Jelsa Fanfic) [Under Intense EDITING]Where stories live. Discover now