Chapter 4- The Art Competition

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Inspirational quote: Have you ever met a hater doing better than you? Me neither...


Clyde felt undoubtedly horrible after he just watched his best friend leave without him, and more or less shout at him as well.

He was about to walk over outside the school to  him until his phone beeped, indicating that he got a text message from someone.

Clyde checked his phone instantaneously. It was his sister.

Clyde only had one sister, but he wasn't going to reveal her name or anything else because he felt like her name wasn't important yet.

He read the text message that his sister had just sent him in disbelief.

Clyde. Clyde? Where are you? Mum and dad are worried sick about you!

Clyde didn't respond, although the next message he received was, from Clyde's perspective, a bit creepy.

I know you've just read my message, Clyde. You have read receipts on. I'm not naive or gullible. You can't fool me. Now reply! Where are you?

Clyde started typing out a reply. He hit backspace about a million times and about five minutes later he knew what he was going to finally type back to his sister.

Sorry. Just had an argument with Kieran. Will be back soon, don't worry.

Clyde's sister:
An argument with that kid? Again? What happened this time?

Uhm... Yeah.
I was being a bad friend, and now Kieran is ticked at me. I've tried getting him to forgive me. But it's not easy. He practically hates me now.

Clyde's sister:
You're stupid. Anyway. When are you coming home? Mum and dad got back together again, in case you're confused on why I'm texting you.

An hour? I'm terrible at keeping promises. Just... Before five o'clock.

Clyde checked the time, half past three.
Ninety minutes and counting.

Eventually, he headed outside, mainly to find Kieran, and he did, near the park outside the school gates.

"Kieran!" Clyde yelled across the other side of the road. "Kieran, wait!"

Kieran stopped walking and stared at Clyde spitefully in return. For some reason, he seemed to have waited for Clyde, but that didn't mean that they were friends, because they weren't.

"Do you want a lift home? I can text my mother to drop you off. My dad is at work."

Kieran rolled his eyes in return.

"What? Get in a car with a person with massive ears, so that their mother with the most massive hands in the world drive me, so I can be a laughing stock? Thanks but no thanks. I'm going to pass on this one."

Kieran kept on walking, leaving a kind of melancholic looking Clyde in the background. Clyde followed him nevertheless into the park, where there seemed to have been some sort of competition  going on.

Secret Agent, Counterspy (𝑪𝒐𝒎𝒑𝒍𝒆𝒕𝒆𝒅) |  Rewritten From Chapter 51+ Where stories live. Discover now