Chapter 48- Kozak Gone Evil [1]

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Inspirational quote: Let no man pull you low enough to hate him.


Lauriel came up even closer to Kieran, with a knife, Kieran screaming and then hyperventilating rather uncontrollably.

She then brought out a gun, aiming it towards Kieran's direction, placing it on his head.

She was about to pull the trigger but then stopped, laughed and just found everything downright hilarious.

"What's so funny?" Kieran hissed, really loudly, staring at a laughing misfit Lauriel.

She dropped the gun and knife, still continuously laughing, even though nothing, from Kieran's point of view, was funny.

"Dude! You should have seen the look on your face! I'm not really going to kill you, this was all a ludicrous prank."

Lauriel kept on laughing as Kieran yelled 'What?' for everyone in KOZAHKISTAN HEADQUARTERS to hear, and when he yelled that, that was when Dr Kozak came back in, winking at Kieran whilst Kieran stared abhorrently at him.

"What? Dr Kozak, you were in on this too?"

Dr Kozak nodded and shook his head at the same time. It looked bizarre.

"Well, yeah. Kind of. That's why I winked at you. I got Lauriel to pretend to be a serial killer to frighten you."

"But why?" Kieran was actually half ticked off now, he screamed like a little girl for nothing.

"To show you that there was another side to him," Lauriel replied for Dr Kozak, who wasn't bothered to say anything.

"So... let me get this straight. I failed the test basically, because I freaked out? And fell for your so called 'prank'?"

Dr Kozak shook his head.

"No. Not necessarily. And actually, there's no pass or. fail on this one."

"What?" Kieran echoed again, Lauriel just helplessly smiling at him.

"He means you can't 'pass' or 'fail' the test, silly," Lauriel sneered, using air quotes for the words pass and fail.

"Then what was the point of that flipping test?" Kieran demanded, fully screaming at both of them now.

Unlike Lauriel, Dr Kozak could actually tell that Kieran was a bit annoyed, but didn't say anything about it.

He placed a hand on Lauriel's shoulder, before drawing her closer to him, both of them still looking at Kieran for a long long time.

"Oh," they both answered simultaneously, then looked at each other, then at Kieran again. "We just wanted to see what your reaction would be like."

They answered the last part of their sentence together concurrently as well.

Kieran shot Dr Kozak a death glare, followed by Lauriel. Dr Kozak noticed the look that Kieran had given him straight away, although Lauriel didn't, but when Dr Kozak nudged her, she noticed as well.

Secret Agent, Counterspy (𝑪𝒐𝒎𝒑𝒍𝒆𝒕𝒆𝒅) |  Rewritten From Chapter 51+ Where stories live. Discover now