Chapter 75- The Tragedy Of...

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Inspirational quote: Stay real, stay loyal, or stay away from me.


Breakdancing music was still kind of going on in the background until Dr Kozak cleared his throat, making everyone stop what they were doing and stare at him, knowing that they were all in serious and stupendous trouble immediately.

"What in tarnation is going on?!" He hollered, really angrily. But the people didn't listen to him because they continued with the music and watched Dr Kozak's sister break dance again.

Dr Kozak sighed to himself in stress, and Agent Ezekiel could tell that he was stressed. Arista in the meantime was talking to her friends the same age as her that all so happened to all be here in the same room as her all at the same time.

"Demetrius. Look, you need to sleep. You've fainted like five times today. I've noticed and counted. I can deal with this for you."

Dr Kozak was half calm, half annoyed at Agent Ezekiel but didn't say anything for a while.

"I just thought that you said that this was a problem, Ezekiel," Dr Kozak whispered back to him.

Agent Ezekiel nodded in agreement.

"It is a problem. I just didn't know or realise that your sister was going to be terribly breakdancing."

Dr Kozak didn't reply. Instead he irritatingly headed out of the room to get something, then once he came back, he was holding a blue and white megaphone with an enigmatic frown on his face.

"I repeat. What in tarnation is going on?"

There were actually a lot of people in the room at this time. All round him, Dr Kozak caught people glaring at him abhorrently, north, south, east and west.

On one side of the room were about five coloured agents- Agent Green who was wearing purple, Agent Blue who was wearing razzmatazz, Agent Black who was wearing terracotta, Agent White who was wearing fuchsia and Agent Yellow who was wearing magenta.

It just didn't make any sense whatsoever.

Other people in the room had included agents such as Dr Kozak's sister, Dr Kozak's other sister, Dr Kozak's cousin, Agent Ezekiel's brother and sister, and about seventy other people as well.

"An answer sometime today would be really nice!"

Agent Ezekiel's brother replied for him.

"Yo. Your sister Valentina was just breakdancing. It was off the hook! You guys missed everything!"

Dr Kozak replied by pushing him to the ground, but it was better than murdering him for no reason, at least.

"Plus why aren't any of you guys in bed? It's like four o'clock in the morning-" Dr Kozak stopped talking briefly, walking forwards and opened his eyes.

And when he saw what he saw next, he screamed.

"Agent Marcel?" He echoed for everyone in room 36,363 to hear him. "What the heck has happened to you?"

Secret Agent, Counterspy (𝑪𝒐𝒎𝒑𝒍𝒆𝒕𝒆𝒅) |  Rewritten From Chapter 51+ Where stories live. Discover now