Chapter 28- Leave And You Die, Lauriel

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Inspirational quote: Don't let anyone underestimate you. You know more than you say, think more than you speak and notice more than you realise.


Lauriel had changed her mind from hating where she was to loving it in under five seconds.

"This place is amazing!" She echoed, still having the time of her life on the vibrating massage chair.

"It's nice to hear that." The doctor replied sharply. "Marcel and Tyrese will be here shortly with your tub of ice cream."

Just then the two agents came back in, with one of the most enormous tub of ice creams that Lauriel had ever seen in her life.

They dropped the enormous tub of bubblegum ice cream in front of Lauriel, telling her to enjoy it while it lasted.

Then Agent Marcel gave her a spoon, before standing next to the doctor again.

Agent Marcel and Tyrese were wearing exactly the same thing that the doctor was wearing, including the sunglasses as well.

It was also stated that agent Marcel was the doctor's son whilst agent Tyrese was Agent Marcel's twin brother.

Lauriel was about to open the tub of ice cream but dropped it, mainly because it was too massive and she couldn't eat all of this alone.

Plus she kept on staring at all three of them whilst they talked to each other about something.

Wow. These agents are so handsome, I might have to break up with Justin. Lauriel thought to herself. The doctor as well.

Doctor K looked at Lauriel blankly, then confusingly.

"What you just thought there was really weird," he told her.

Lauriel dropped her spoon, as well as the tub of ice cream , glaring at him confusingly.

Plus she hadn't even started eating it yet.

"What do you mean?" She wanted to know, raising an eyebrow at him and twirling her ice cream spoon around.

"I can read your mind, kid," the doctor answered. "Don't ask me how. It's just a gift. I realised this like two years ago anyway. That I've got telepathy."

Pfft. Yeah right, he can read my mind. That's stupid. He's stupid. This whole thing is stupid. Who does he think I am? A two year old kid? Please. Unless this is the future and aliens exist, I'm not convinced that this dim witted doctor can read my mind.

"Okay what you just thought there was kind of really rude!" The doctor shouted at her, accidentally on purpose throwing something in the process at agent Marcel.

Oh. He can read my mind, Lauriel thought to herself, playing mind games with Doctor K.

"Yes I can, kid," the doctor asserted. "Now. Hurry up. Eat your ice cream. I kinda have to ask you something."

"Is the ice cream poisonous?" Lauriel asked, double checking before she ate it.

The doctor just shot her a dirty look in return.

"Not poisonous then..." She trailed off, looking away from him and opening her tub of ice cream once and for all.

Technically screaming at them, Doctor K commanded agent Marcel and Tyrese to leave the room whilst he went to go and talk to Lauriel in private about something.

Secret Agent, Counterspy (𝑪𝒐𝒎𝒑𝒍𝒆𝒕𝒆𝒅) |  Rewritten From Chapter 51+ Where stories live. Discover now