Chapter 61- Kozak's Annoyed

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Inspirational quote: Be the girl or boy who decided to go for it.


Kieran and Esperanza were watching Dr Kozak swear to himself about a million times in Swahili, which was a bit ironic because both of them could see Dr Kozak but Dr Kozak couldn't see them at all.

"Look what you've done, Kieran. I told you that Dr Kozak would kill us if he found out that his car was invisible." Esperanza said to him, looking at him very spitefully.

"I'm sorry, Esperanza, but you never told me that it was a bad idea!" Kieran retorted back, folding his arms.

"Kieran, you should have known yourself that turning the car invisible was a bad idea, you didn't need me spelling it out for you, dude."

Kieran and Esperanza were bickering for a long long time, and stopped once Dr Kozak had hit his car and fell unto the floor once again, forgetting the fact completely that his car was currently invisible.

"Ooh," Kieran said, looking at him. "That's got to hurt."

They then watched a very very very infuriated Dr Kozak open the door and slouch into his car, looking like he had just been beaten up by an invisible person.

He then closed the door behind him and annoyingly did his seatbelt, but didn't actually start the car or say anything just yet.

Kieran then thought that it would have been wise of him to actually say something to Dr Kozak to break the silence.

"Hey, Demetrius," Kieran told him, where Dr Kozak just smacked his hand making Kieran immediately look away from him.

"Don't 'hey' me," Dr Kozak snapped, seriously angry at the moment. "Or call me by my first name."

Then unexpectedly, when Kieran and Esperanza were least expecting it, Dr Kozak brought out a stick he so magically happened to find on the floor, hitting both of them with it until both their eyes were black and they were nearly crying out tears, although mainly Kieran because:

A) it was his fault that Dr Kozak's car had turned invisible in the first place.

B) As so thought by Kieran way too many times, only making Dr Kozak more livid each time, Esperanza was apparently Dr Kozak's favourite child, for some reason.

And C) It felt wrong and weird hitting a girl.

"I knew you two couldn't listen to simple instructions!" Dr Kozak ranted to both of them. "Especially Kieran. I expected more from you!"

"Why me?" Kieran proclaimed back, even more exasperated than before. "Esperanza's older!"

Dr Kozak just shot Kieran an annoyed look, which Kieran saw and actually didn't ignore this time.

"I know I'm older and everything but it was your idea to turn Dr K's car invisible!" Esperanza hollered. "I didn't even do anything!"

"Yeah, except sleep there like a lifeless guinea pig." Kieran muttered back, rolling his eyes in disbelief.

Dr Kozak was just looking at them, really angrily, but didn't say anything because he was that mad at both of them.

"Look. We're sorry Dr Kozak. You're not really going to kill us are you?"

Secret Agent, Counterspy (𝑪𝒐𝒎𝒑𝒍𝒆𝒕𝒆𝒅) |  Rewritten From Chapter 51+ Where stories live. Discover now