Chapter 106- Good Girl Gone Bad, Really Bad

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Inspirational quote: Each day provides its own gifts. Being alive is one of them.


Dr Kozak did not believe what he had just heard.
Dr Kozak would not believe what he had just heard.

He "replied" back to what Kieran had said by speculatively staring at him non stop, then Esperanza, blinking intermittently.

"No. No. No. That can't be true. That can't be true!" Dr Kozak hollered, banging his right hand on the computer table.

"It's true, Dr Kozak," Esperanza corrected him, standing up and walking away from his lap a long time ago. "We're really sorry."

Instead of crying his heart out when he had heard that, Dr Kozak was absolutely outraged, as in he was currently fuming right now.

"I don't believe you."

"Well, you better believe us, because we're telling you the truth right now, and nothing else but that," Kieran corrected him, then knew that he had to stop talking when Dr Kozak shot him a really hostile death glare.

"Yeah, well I don't." Dr Kozak argued. "And I can't believe you guys would make up such a stupid lie like that-" when he said the word lie, he banged his computer table really deafeningly with his hand again- "Just to get me going mad at you."

What part of Kieran and Esperanza weren't lying did Dr Kozak not understand?! There had to be some other way to make it up to him... But what?

"Doctor Kozak, you need to believe us." Kieran ranted. "Arista is dead. Alastair shot her. We couldn't do anything about it because we didn't know until after Alastair shot her that Arista was dead. We're truly sorry for your loss. Honestly."

"You know what," Dr Kozak bickered, turning around on his spinning chair to face the computer. He then started it. "There's only one way to prove if you guys are telling me the truth."

"Which is..." Kieran and Esperanza trailed off melodramatically.

"I'll ask Estelle," Dr Kozak replied, still really angry at both of them. "Estelle knows everything that happens during the mission. Only she can determine whether we pass or fail, and also whether my daughter really died or not!"

Dr Kozak was really, really exasperated, and both Kieran and Esperanza could tell. No one really said anything though because Kieran and Esperanza were both silently watching Dr Kozak say something to his computer.

"Okay, Estelle... Tell me. Did my daughter Arista die in the mission? Or are Kieran and Esperanza  just lying?"

Estelle replied straight away.

Yes Demetrius, yes she did. I'm really sorry.

Dr Kozak wanted to faint or collapse but luckily managed to keep calm, therefore preventing this from happening. He was still really mad though, give or take.

"And is it true that Alastair shot her?"

Estelle replied straight away again.

Yes. Alastair shot her.

"That son of a-"

Although Dr K didn't finish his sentence because he realised that Estelle still had much much much more to say.

Secret Agent, Counterspy (𝑪𝒐𝒎𝒑𝒍𝒆𝒕𝒆𝒅) |  Rewritten From Chapter 51+ Where stories live. Discover now